Define Composite System Objects
This example shows how to define System objects that include other System objects. Define a bandpass filter System object™ from separate highpass and lowpass filter System objects.
Complete Class Definition File of Bandpass Filter Composite System Object
Class Definition File for Lowpass FIR Component of Bandpass Filter
Class Definition File for Highpass FIR Component of Bandpass Filter
Store System Objects in Properties
To define a System object from other System objects, store those other objects in your class definition file as properties. In this example, the highpass and lowpass filters are the separate System objects defined in their own class-definition files.
properties (Access = private) % Properties that hold filter System objects pLowpass pHighpass end
Complete Class Definition File of Bandpass Filter Composite System Object
classdef BandpassFIRFilter < matlab.System % Implements a bandpass filter using a cascade of eighth-order lowpass % and eighth-order highpass FIR filters. properties (Access = private) % Properties that hold filter System objects pLowpass pHighpass end methods (Access = protected) function setupImpl(obj) % Setup composite object from constituent objects obj.pLowpass = LowpassFIRFilter; obj.pHighpass = HighpassFIRFilter; end function yHigh = stepImpl(obj,u) yLow = obj.pLowpass(u); yHigh = obj.pHighpass(yLow); end function resetImpl(obj) reset(obj.pLowpass); reset(obj.pHighpass); end end end
Class Definition File for Lowpass FIR Component of Bandpass Filter
classdef LowpassFIRFilter < matlab.System % Implements eighth-order lowpass FIR filter with 0.6pi cutoff properties (Nontunable) % Filter coefficients Numerator = [0.006,-0.0133,-0.05,0.26,0.6,0.26,-0.05,-0.0133,0.006]; end properties (DiscreteState) State end methods (Access = protected) function setupImpl(obj) obj.State = zeros(length(obj.Numerator)-1,1); end function y = stepImpl(obj,u) [y,obj.State] = filter(obj.Numerator,1,u,obj.State); end function resetImpl(obj) obj.State = zeros(length(obj.Numerator)-1,1); end end end
Class Definition File for Highpass FIR Component of Bandpass Filter
classdef HighpassFIRFilter < matlab.System % Implements eighth-order highpass FIR filter with 0.4pi cutoff properties (Nontunable) % Filter coefficients Numerator = [0.006,0.0133,-0.05,-0.26,0.6,-0.26,-0.05,0.0133,0.006]; end properties (DiscreteState) State end methods (Access = protected) function setupImpl(obj) obj.State = zeros(length(obj.Numerator)-1,1); end function y = stepImpl(obj,u) [y,obj.State] = filter(obj.Numerator,1,u,obj.State); end function resetImpl(obj) obj.State = zeros(length(obj.Numerator)-1,1); end end end