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Handle Input Specification Changes

This example shows how to control the input specifications for a System object™. You can control what happens when an input specification changes.

You can also restrict whether the input complexity, data type, or size can change while the object is in use. Whichever aspects you restrict cannot change until after the user calls release.

React to Input Specification Changes

To modify the System object algorithm or properties when the input changes size, data type, or complexity, implement the processInputSpecificationChangeImpl method. Specify actions to take when the input specification changes between calls to the System object.

In this example, processInputSpecificationChangeImpl changes the isComplex property when either input is complex.

properties(Access = private)
    isComplex (1,1) logical = false;

methods (Access = protected)
    function processInputSpecificationChangeImpl(obj,input1,input2)
        if(isreal(input1) && isreal(input2))
            obj.isComplex = false;
            obj.isComplex = true;

Restrict Input Specification Changes

To specify that the input complexity, data type, and size cannot change while the System object is in use, implement the isInputComplexityMutableImpl, isInputDataTypeMutableImpl, and isInputSizeMutableImpl methods to return false. If you want to restrict only some aspects of the System object input, you can include only one or two of these methods.

methods (Access = protected)
   function flag = isInputComplexityMutableImpl(~,~)
       flag = false;
   function flag = isInputSizeDataTypeImpl(~,~)
       flag = false;
   function flag = isInputSizeMutableImpl(~,~)
       flag = false;

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