Shunt Radial Stub - Visualize and Analyze
This example shows you how to create, visualize, and analyze a radial stub shunt on the X-Y plane.
Create a shunt radial stub with default properties.
stub = stubRadialShunt
stub = stubRadialShunt with properties: StubType: 'Single' OuterRadius: 0.0085 InnerRadius: 0.0012 Angle: 90 PortLineLength: 0.0137 PortLineWidth: 0.0025 Height: 8.0000e-04 GroundPlaneLength: 0.0200 GroundPlaneWidth: 0.0200 Substrate: [1x1 dielectric] Conductor: [1x1 metal] SolverType: 'MoM' IsShielded: 0
View the stub.
Plot the charge distribution at 5 GHz.
charge(stub, 5e9)
Plot the current distribution at 5 GHz.
figure current(stub, 5e9)
Calculate and plot the s-parameters.
spar = sparameters(stub,linspace(3e9,5e9,30)); rfplot(spar)