Subsystem Requirements Table
Requirements links for current context
This component creates a table that contains information from the Requirements Toolbox™ software. Objects can have multiple requirements. Each requirement is a row in the table.
If you want to generate a Microsoft® Word report, to enable Requirements Toolbox hyperlinks in your report, at the MATLAB® command prompt, enter:
rmipref('ReportNavUseMatlab',true) rmipref('UnsecureHttpRequests',true)
Table Options
Show requirements for current: Specifies the object type to display.
Simulink object
Stateflow object
Table title: Specifies the table title in the generated report.
No title
: Do not include a title.Object name
(Default): Automatically generate a title from the object.Custom
: Specify a custom title.
Table Columns
Description: Includes the object description in the table.
Document name: Includes the report name in the table.
Locations within document: Includes the locations of the object within the document in the table.
Requirement keyword: Includes the requirement keyword for the object in the table.
Insert Anything into Report?
Yes. Table.