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Colorbar displays in new figure

3 views (last 30 days)
D on 6 Jul 2011
Answered: Thomas Keefe on 28 Jan 2020
I am trying to add a colorbar to a heat map. I can do this for the most part through the GUI, but I'd like to do this from the command line.
hmo = HeatMap(dmo,'RowLabels', tblist, 'ColumnLabels', tblist, 'Colormap', bipolar);
displays the heat map, but causes the colorbar to display in a new figure (with a white plot area).

Accepted Answer

Patrick Kalita
Patrick Kalita on 6 Jul 2011
The HeatMap object just doesn't support adding a colorbar programmatically. It is not a regular axes, which is why the colorbar function doesn't do what you expected.

More Answers (3)

Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva on 6 Jul 2011
Let me know if this is correct, you have the GUI open and you want to add the colorbar from a code on the command line?
If that's really what you want the problem can be corrected by going to GUI Options (layout editor (GUIDE) of your GUI) and clicking on the background with the right mouse button, select GUI Options and change the command-line accessibility to ON, that will allow the GUI figure and axes to become the current ones and the colorbar shows on them.

Lucio Cetto
Lucio Cetto on 11 Jul 2011
Adding to what Patrick said, please not that you can pass a PVP to the constructor HeatMap object with the colormap:

Thomas Keefe
Thomas Keefe on 28 Jan 2020
fig = figure;
h = HeatMap(...);
ax = plot(h, fig);


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