How to re-open all the m.files

35 views (last 30 days)
Sehairi K.
Sehairi K. on 31 Jan 2014
Commented: asmaa on 15 Oct 2023
Hi all, I was working in many m.files (about 20) and without attention I closed the editor Is there any way to re-open these files. I have Matlab R2012b. thank you in advance.
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Venkatesh Huilgol
Venkatesh Huilgol on 28 Apr 2021
sub: not rescived emaii marwork account how reset my passworad matwork sir

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Accepted Answer

Wayne King
Wayne King on 31 Jan 2014
You can read Yair Altman's post on this

More Answers (3)

JAY R on 27 Nov 2014
Edited: JAY R on 27 Nov 2014
I got the same problem and I got recovered my docked files from the editor.
I have tried Yair Altman's post but not understood. Thats why I have committed to answer the question.
The steps are so simple and easy.
1] go to command prompt
>> winopen(prefdir) % this will open the folder
2] in the folder open MATLAB_Editor_State.xml file in wordpad or XML editor.
If you are unknown to XML editor then go to google and search for online XML editor.
3] Copy and paste XML Data from Wordpad to the online editor and press submit.
4] you will get all the path for each file including the filename.
There is always a way - if you're committed ~ Tony Robbins
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Edited: Walter Roberson on 31 Jul 2022
I could not understand anything what you say. Darn this company soıftware designers. Darn this company million times. One misleading button at the right place, I lost all state keeping my opened files. Darn.
What ıs that what is the thrd step darn
in the folder open MATLAB_Editor_State.xml file in wordpad or XML editor.
If you are unknown to XML editor then go to google and search for online XML editor.
3] Copy and paste XML Data from Wordpad to the online editor and press submit.
4] you will get all the path for each file including the filename.

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Souarv De
Souarv De on 12 Oct 2023
%parse XML file
xmlFiles = xmlread([prefdir filesep 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml']);
%Retrieve the "clients"
FileNodes = xmlFiles.getElementsByTagName('File');
%get the length of the FileNodes
nrFiles = FileNodes.getLength;
%initialize Files
Files = cell(nrFiles,1);
%initialize isFile
isFile = zeros(nrFiles,1);
%Iterate over all Elements and check if it is a file.
for iNode = 0:nrFiles-1 % Java indexing.
Files{iNode+1} = [char(FileNodes.item(iNode).getAttribute('absPath')),...
%check if the "client" is a file:
isFile(iNode+1) = exist(Files{iNode+1},'file') == 2 && ~(strcmp(Files{iNode+1},'Workspace'));
%remove the other files:
MyFiles = Files(find(isFile));
%open the files in the editor:

per isakson
per isakson on 31 Jan 2014
Edited: per isakson on 31 Jan 2014
Unfortunately, there is not.
However, in the File Exchange there are at least a couple of contributions, which try to help:


Find more on Environment and Settings in Help Center and File Exchange


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