Is there a way I can convert image (pixel) values ​​to Raman shift using MATLAB?

19 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I have a little newbie problem using Raman Spectroscopy information. I have a .spc file which by mistake of mine was saved with pixel values for x axis and needed the values to be in Raman shift. Is there a way to convert these image values to Raman Shift for x axis with MATLAB? For the y axis it is the same parameter for both.
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 13 Dec 2021
Hi Carlos, could you explain a bit more about what these files represent, and their relationship?
caogqwerty123 on 19 Dec 2021
Hi. The .txt files that I uploaded are two graphs with different parameters on the x axis, what I want to do is that the graph of Calcite, in Pixel values on the x axis, will be the same as the graph of Calcite with values of Raman Shift on the x axis, that is, I want to perform a conversion of units of values from Pixel to Raman Shift, by means of MATLAB. There are scientific articles that mention this conversion through MATLAB but do not say how, only that they used the software...

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Answers (3)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 19 Dec 2021
They appear to me to be different data.
However, filtering out the high-frequency noise is likely as close as it is possible to get to correcting the ‘Pixel’ data —
T1 = readtable('', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve')
T1 = 1920×2 table
Pixel Dark Subtracted _____ _______________ 86 2322 87 2418.7 88 2495.7 89 2612.7 90 2595.7 91 2477.3 92 2252.3 93 2153.7 94 2163.7 95 2126.7 96 2140.7 97 2086 98 2080.3 99 2049.3 100 2049.3 101 2046.7
T2 = readtable('', 'VariableNamingRule','preserve')
T2 = 2629×2 table
Raman Shift Dark Subtracted ___________ _______________ 162 1512.2 163 1431.5 164 1366.8 165 1319.7 166 1271.8 167 1228.4 168 1172.3 169 1126.9 170 1116.9 171 1139.4 172 1139.1 173 1124 174 1106.7 175 1090.3 176 1078.9 177 1070.1
Pixx = T1.Pixel;
PixDS = T1.('Dark Subtracted');
RSx = T2.('Raman Shift');
RSDS = T2.('Dark Subtracted');
plot(Pixx, PixDS)
plot(RSx, RSDS)
title('Raman Shift')
PixDScb = correctBaseline(Pixx, PixDS, 5, 50, 3);
plot(Pixx, PixDScb)
title('Pixel — Corrected Baseline')
RSDScb = correctBaseline(RSx, RSDS, .01, 5);
Warning: Polynomial is badly conditioned. Add points with distinct X values, reduce the degree of the polynomial, or try centering and scaling as described in HELP POLYFIT.
plot(RSx, RSDScb)
title('Raman Shift — Corrected Baseline')
Pixx_stats = [mean(diff(Pixx)); std(diff(Pixx))];
Fs = 1;
Fn = Fs/2;
L = numel(Pixx);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
FTPixDS = fft(PixDScb,NFFT)/L;
Fv = linspace(0, 1, NFFT/2+1)*Fn;
Iv = 1:numel(Fv);
plot(Fv, abs(FTPixDS(Iv))*2)
xlim([0 0.1])
Passband = 0.03; % Hz (Or Cycles/(Whatever The x-Axis Units Are))
PixDScb_f = lowpass(PixDScb, 0.03, Fs);
plot(Pixx, PixDScb)
title('Pixel — Corrected Baseline')
plot(Pixx, PixDScb_f)
title('Pixel — Corrected Baseline — Filtered')
function correctedSignal = correctBaseline(varargin)
% % % x: X-Vector
% % % y: Y=Vector
% % % prom: Peak Minimum Prominence
% % % sep: Miinimum Peak Separation
% % % pd: Polynomial Degree
% % %
% % % correctedSignal = correctedBaseline(x, y, prom, sep, pd_
% vn = numel(varargin)
x = varargin{1};
y = varargin{2};
prom = varargin{3};
sep = varargin{4};
pd = 4;
if numel(varargin) > 4
pd = varargin{5};
TF = islocalmin(y, 'MinProminence',prom, 'MinSeparation',sep);
p = polyfit(x(TF), y(TF),4);
BL = polyval(p, x);
correctedSignal = y-BL;
caogqwerty123 on 25 Dec 2021
For Raman Shift the values for the x-axis are 280.05051, 1085.32579, 711.46459. What are the values to identify that the sample contains Calcite. For Pixel the values for the x-axis could be 155.56834, 624.69582, 396.54987.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Dec 2021
OK, so for one signal (which one), it starts at 280 cm-1, and ends at 1085 cm-1, and I ignore the 711.
And for the other signal, it starts at what and ends at what?
I don't need the pixel values because you said those are in the first column of the text file, so we know those. Calcite's x (pixel value) goes from 86 to 2005, and Calcite Raman Shift's x (pixel value) goes from 162 to 2790 -- these are just values from the first column of the text files and I presume these are the pixel coordinates.
OK, let's try a different approach. Are you saying that one signal is a scaled and shifted version of the other and that we need to rescale and shift one signal such that certain spikes align with the corresponding peaks on the other signal? Like maybe you want to do normalized cross correlation? Or just find the two tallest peaks in each signal and align those?

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 20 Dec 2021
Assuming that both signals were acquired with the same wavenumber range, you can simply rescale the x axis for each to go linearly from the starting wavenumber to the ending wavenumber. However since each signal for some reason has a different number of samples, you'll have to interpolat. See my code below. I'm assuming that the first element of each signal should be relocated to wavenumber1 and the last element of each signal should be relocated to wavenumber2. If we assume that they look reasonably well aligned now, and we have a new x axis that is the wavenumbers. Adapt my code below to use the actual wavenumbers for the signals.
% Read in first signal.
data1 = readmatrix('Calcite Pixel.txt');
x1 = data1(:, 1); % Get pixels.
signal1 = data1(:, 2); % Get intensity.
% Read in other signal
data2 = readmatrix('Calcite Raman Shift.txt');
x2 = data2(:, 1); % Get pixels.
signal2 = data2(:, 2);
subplot(2, 1, 1);
plot(x1, signal1, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(x2, signal2, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
grid on;
wavenumber1 = 1700; % Whatever
wavenumber2 = 4000; % Whatever
% Find the max number of wavenumber samples
numSamples = max([length(signal1), length(signal2)])
% Get wavenumbers going from wavenumber1 to wavenumber2 with numSamples
wavenumbers = linspace(wavenumber1, wavenumber2, 2*numSamples);
% Interpolate both signals to be on a common x axis.
xi1 = linspace(wavenumber1, wavenumber2, length(signal1));
signal1 = interp1(xi1, signal1, wavenumbers);
xi2 = linspace(wavenumber1, wavenumber2, length(signal2));
signal2 = interp1(xi2, signal2, wavenumbers);
subplot(2, 1, 2);
plot(wavenumbers, signal1, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(wavenumbers, signal2, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2);
grid on;
The top is the original, pixel-based signals, and the bottom is the new signals shfted, interpolated, and rescaled so that the x axis now represents wavenumbers.
caogqwerty123 on 24 Dec 2021
The range has 3 numbers instead of 2 because the third is one that is already registered in Raman Shift, and more or less I located it in Pixel knowing how to interpret Raman signals.
Could you make the relation of the 3 characteristic peaks of Pixel and Raman Shift to make a kind of calibration and to be able to do the graph conversion? I'm still learning how to use MATLAB, I'm very new to this, sorry...
The background correction method that I used was testing, it was the one that convinced me the most, I have yet to see which one I should use as the signals can be seen, but if there is a method that you could recommend, I will gladly use it.
Thanks for the answer and the patience of understanding.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 24 Dec 2021
Edited: Image Analyst on 25 Dec 2021
Now I'm confused even more. You talk like "Pixel" is some specific program. Why are you capitalizing Pixel? Is it a software package? Because just a "pixel" from an image would not be capitalized. I assumed that somehow you'd gotten coordinates by scanning some image of a plot/graph and the coordinates were in pixels.
I still don't know what you mean by that third number.
Can you attach the original .spc files (zipped up). Why don't we just use those instead of messing with some text file with other, incorrect coordinates?

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David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 24 Dec 2021
Edited: David Goodmanson on 24 Dec 2021
Now that the peaks in both pixels and cm^(-1) are provided, you can do a linear fit, which is very close.
p = [155.56834, 396.54987 624.69582,]
r = [280.05051 711.46459 1085.32579]
a = polyfit(p,r,1)
grid on
ylabel('inverse cm')
a = 1.7172 18.6607
cm^(-1) = 1.7172*pixel + 18.66
so one cm^(-1) is worth 1.717 pixels.
It seems unikely in this case but suppose you knew for a fact that, because of the way the instrumentation is built and data is taken, cm^(-1) has to be strictly proportional to pixels, i.e. no offset like the 18.66 above. Then you could find the proportionality constant
c = r/p
p = [0 p];
r = [0 r];
grid on
ylabel('inverse cm')
c = 1.7556
caogqwerty123 on 24 Dec 2021
Could you attach the images of the graphs to see if your conversion method works? Please. Thanks a lot.
David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 25 Dec 2021
Edited: David Goodmanson on 25 Dec 2021
Hi ortizgd,
I guess I could, but your access to the files is much more convenient than mine. Defining
pixel file
p = pixels (col 1)
Ip = intensity (col 2)
inverse cm file
icm = inv cm (col 1)
Iicm = intensity (col 2)
then with
grid on
either the peaks willl match up or they won't.

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