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how to find euclidean distance for 3 vectors

2 views (last 30 days)
how to find euclidean distance for 3 vectors and this is to be calculated for more than 1000 . so please help me out to get solution for the above.

Answers (1)

Torsten on 12 Nov 2014
What is the Euclidean distance for 3 vectors ?
I only know the Euclidean distance for 2 vectors.
Or do you mean the three distances between vector 1 and 2, vector 1 and 3 and vector 2 and 3 ?
Best wishes
  1 Comment
KALYAN KUMAR on 12 Nov 2014
As i have three vectors x,y,z so i need to find Euclidean distance for first frame to second frame using feature vectors, i.e x,y,z.
Yes, i need to find the distance between say, for example first frame and second frame (i.e, x,y,z as feature vectors) which is of size 50*3 matrix.
Thank you,

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