Binning on my data

2 views (last 30 days)
Felicia DE CAPUA
Felicia DE CAPUA on 4 Nov 2022
Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my script:
bin_data1 = 1:(bin*new_fs):size(data_1);
time_1 = (1:bin:(size(data_1)/new_fs))-1;
I need to do a binning of my data, but when I run this part of script I obtain the bin but not the binned value of my data_1.
How can I resolve this problem?
Thank you so much!
KSSV on 4 Nov 2022
You mean to say you want?
Felicia DE CAPUA
Felicia DE CAPUA on 4 Nov 2022
yes, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!! thank again

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