How to transfer all the coordinate binary into my image dicom

2 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I was do segmentation in my dicom image. then I got the binary image.
then how to transfer all the coordinate binary into my image dicom? So that only binary 1 appear in my dicom.
I've tried below but gor error.
My dicom image as attached.
clear all
close all
% read dicom image
[spect map]=dicomread('I-13125610N1.dcm');
info = dicominfo('I-13125610N1.dcm');
% do segmentation using adaptthresh
T = adaptthresh(spect, 0.000000000000001, "NeighborhoodSize", 27);
% change to binary images
BW = imbinarize(spect,T);
figure, imshow3D(BW)
% transfer all the coordinate binary into my image dicom
p = spect.*BW;
  1 Comment
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Jan 2023
Not sure what you want. Do you want the BW image's white areas to appear in your original image as pure white (or some other uniform color like you'd get with imoverlay)?

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