Antenna Element Calibration File Size Calculation

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to create a calibration file for an antenna array and save it on the FPGA. How can I calculate the amount of memory I need (in MB)? If I have the following parameters, I was thinking something like this?
  • Phase 1x64
  • Amplitude 1x64
  • Freqency 1x10
  • Number of element 4

Answers (1)

David Goodmanson
David Goodmanson on 20 Jan 2024
Edited: David Goodmanson on 20 Jan 2024
Hi John,
assuming the required memory is the product of those four factors, then if these are 64 bit floating point real numbers you have have 163840 * 8 bytes/number = 1.310720 MB.



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