Cholesky vs Eigs speed comparison?
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I have many large (8000 x 8000) sparse PSD matrices for which I would like to verify that their largest eigenvalue is at most some constant C. If A denotes such a matrix, there are two ways to check this.
- eigs(A,1) <= C
- chol(C*speye(size(A,1)) - A) (and inspect the output flag)
Somehow, method 1 is much faster than 2 (this difference is not due to the computation time of C*speye(size(A,1)) - A) . Why is that? The general consensus is that cholesky decomposition is the fastest way of determining PSD-ness of matrices. Is chol not as fast for sparse matrices as eigs?
Answers (1)
Bruno Luong
on 25 Oct 2024
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 28 Oct 2024
Your test of PSD is not right. You should do:
eigs(A,1, 'smallestreal') > smallpositivenumber % 'sr', 'sa' for older MATLAB
EIGS compute one eigen value by iterative method. It converges rapidly for
Bruno Luong
on 28 Oct 2024
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 28 Oct 2024
An example with sparse matrix based on Haar basis. The ratio of two matrix norms increases like sqrt(N)
N = 2^14
A = haar(N);
% eigs(A,1) must be 1
norm(A,inf) / eigs(A,1)
function S=haar(N)
if (N<2 || (log2(N)-floor(log2(N)))~=0)
error('The input argument should be of form 2^k');
p=[0 0];
q=[0 1];
for i=1:n-1
p=[p i*ones(1,2^i)];
q=[q t];
j = 1:N;
I = 1+0*j;
J = j;
V = 1+0*j;
for i=2:N
P=p(1,i); Q=q(1,i);
j = 1+N*(Q-1)/(2^P):N*(Q-0.5)/(2^P);
I = [I, i+0*j];
J = [J, j];
V = [V, 2^(P/2)+0*j];
j = 1+(N*((Q-0.5)/(2^P))):N*(Q/(2^P));
I = [I, i+0*j];
J = [J, j];
V = [V, -(2^(P/2))+0*j];
S = sparse(I,J,V,N,N);
Bruno Luong
on 29 Oct 2024
Edited: Bruno Luong
on 29 Oct 2024
Here is an example where the ratio is huge (= N), discovered by codinng mistake .;)
N = 2^16
j = 1:N;
I = 1+0*j;
J = j;
V = 1+0*j;
A = sparse(I,J,V,N,N);
norm(A,inf) / eigs(A,1)
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