How to enable "Tail time (Tt)" and "Fall time (Tf)" parameter adjustment in the IGBT block?

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Although the block documentation mentions about these two timing parameters, the dialog box of the IGBT block does not allow me to adjust them. I can only adjust ON state resitance and inductance, fwd voltage drop and snubber parameters. The IGBT block can be found under "Simscape/Electrical/Specialized Power Systems/Power Electronics".

Answers (1)

Abhas on 26 Nov 2024
The inability to adjust certain timing parameters directly in the IGBT block dialog box in Simscape Electrical might be due to the specific modeling options you have selected. You may refer to the below steps to address the same:
  1. Modeling Option: Use "Simplified I-V characteristics and event-based timing" for adjustable timing parameters and "Full I-V and capacitance characteristics" for detailed modeling.
  2. Adjusting Parameters: In the simplified model, adjust "Turn-off tail current transit time" under "Dynamics" and in the detailed model, adjust "Total forward transit time" under "Advanced" settings to simulate tail current.
  3. Simulating Tail Current: You may focus on using the N-Channel IGBT block with the "Full I-V and capacitance characteristics" option. The tail current can be controlled by adjusting the 'Total forward transit time' parameter, which is crucial for capturing the dynamic behavior during turn-off.
You may refer the below MathWorks documentation link to know more about the same:
I hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Nishan on 26 Nov 2024
Hello @Abhas, thank you for your prompt response. Actually, I was referring to the IGBT block which can be found under "specialized power systems" which has a black colour (IGBT). I have attached a picture for your reference. Is there an option to select I-V characteristics?
My entire converter model is buit using the blocks which are available under "specialized power systems" so it is quite difficult for me to switch for the blue color Simscape electrical block which you are relating to. Is there anyway that I can use the same block. My objective is to simulate hard switching in the converter.
Thank you

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