I have a 6000x9424x50 matrix and want to convert it into 6000x9424x10 and 6000x9424x20?? I meant to to split 50 bands to 10 or 20 bands individually?

2 views (last 30 days)
band1(6000:9424;10) will this work?

Accepted Answer

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 22 Feb 2016
your_matrix = rand(6000,9424,50); % random matrix
M_10 = your_matrix(:,:,1:10); % 10 bands
M_20 = your_matrix(:,:,11:30); % 20 next bands

More Answers (1)

Stephen23 on 22 Feb 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 22 Feb 2016
For the most generalized solution use mat2cell:
>> X = rand(600,942,50); % fake data
>> C = mat2cell(X,size(X,1),size(X,2),[10,10,20,10]) % split matrix
>> size(C{1}) % size of the first submatrix
ans =
600 942 10
>> size(C{3}) % size of the third submatrix
ans =
600 942 20
  • the submatrices are accessed using cell array indexing into C: e.g. C{1}, C{2}, etc.
  • the dimension arguments must sum to equal the size of that dimension, e.g. sum([10,10,20,10])==50.
pranav on 8 Mar 2016
Edited: pranav on 8 Mar 2016
Thank You. The image has 50 bands. But i want to seperate it to 1-10 1-20 1-30 1-40 bands. Can you help me.
Stephen23 on 8 Mar 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 8 Mar 2016
It is not clear what " i want to seperate it to 1-10 1-20 1-30 1-40 bands" means. How do you intend to split 50 into 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 ? Do they overlap or are they separate cases?

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