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Index exceeds matrix dimensions

2 views (last 30 days)
Jamil Dudhwala
Jamil Dudhwala on 19 Feb 2019
Commented: Adam on 19 Feb 2019
I am trying to make a for loop, however the code I am using turns out the error : index exceeds matrix dimensions, I can't quite work out what I am doing wrong.
my code is below:
for index=1:1:30
%Ambient Load
S1QAmb=S1*U*(Tout-(2*Ts)+Tin) %surface 1, ambient load
Jamil Dudhwala
Jamil Dudhwala on 19 Feb 2019
Is this more to do with the fact that I have not intialised it?
Adam on 19 Feb 2019
If that is lterally all your code then of course it will not work. What are you expecting the result to be of indexing into a variable that does not exist yet?

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 19 Feb 2019
A = rand(5,1) ; % an array of size 5*1
A(1) % works
A(5) % works
A(6) % throws error
The above array has only 5 elements....If you try to extract more than 5 elements, it will throw error.

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