How to train fitcecoc on GPU and perform cross validation on the output model?

8 views (last 30 days)
I am using matlab function fitcecoc to build a multi class SVM classifier, using the following code line. Prior to running this function, I made the feature and label varaibles a gpuArray, to make sure mod_op was computed on a GPU.
options = statset('UseParallel',true);
mod_op = fitcecoc(feature, label, 'Coding','onevsall', 'Learners',template,...
'Options',options, 'PredictorNames', feat_nm, 'ResponseName', label_nm);
cr_val = crossval(mdl, 'Options',options);
In the output variable mod_op.X and mod_op.Y has a dataype of gpuArray as well. I cannot use mod_op as input for functions like, crossval, resubPredict since this functions cannot handle gpuArray. crosval as this throws up error, because somewhere down crossval uses grp2idx function which has a line 47 as:
[glevels,~,gidx] = unique(s,'first','legacy');
and unique can't use legacy with gpuArrays.
I want some help regarding how can I run fitcecoc on GPU and followingly use functions like, crossval, resubpredict on the output model?

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