add the peak values of a signal to a graph regardless of number of peaks

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I'm having a problem that should be easy to solve but I'm not getting. I will try to explain, I have a data matrix corresponding to the time and peak force value applied to a load cell.
peaks = [temp1 peaks]
I need to add the values of each of these peaks in the attached chart. How can I do this?
function [ resultado ] = nadoatado10s( dat1,coefcalib )
if nargin == 2
dat_kg = coefcalib(1,1)* dat1(:,2) + coefcalib(1,2);
datkg = abs(dat_kg);
elseif nargin == 1
datkg = dat1;
freq = 1000;
tanalise = 10*freq;
dat1 = datkg.*9.7784;
dats = smooth(dat1(:,1),(freq/10),'moving');
datf = filtbutter(dats,15,freq);
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
title('Full cell data'); grid on; hold on; xlabel('Sample'); ylabel('Force [N]')
legend('Mark the activity beginning','Location','Best');
[x,y] = ginput(1); close all;
x = round(x);
y = x - tanalise; datcal = datf(y:x,1);
datcal = datcal(:,1); [nl,nc] = size (datcal); temp = [(0:nl-1)/freq]; %definindo var para tempo.
imp = trapz(temp,datcal);
[maxf,l] = max(datcal(:,1));
med = mean(datcal(:,1));
[mi,l2] = min(datcal(:,1));
fi = (maxf*10)-imp;
fiper = ((fi*100)/(maxf*10));
resultado = [maxf med fi imp fiper]; disp(' '); disp('OUT = [FORÇA MAX | FORÇA MEDIA | INDICE DE FADIGA REAL | IMPULSO | INDICE DE FADIGA [%]]'); %Disparando moldes de resultado em ordem de saída
txtmaxf = ['\fontsize{12} \leftarrow FORÇA MÁXIMA = ',num2str(maxf)]; txtmed = ['\fontsize{12} \leftarrow FORÇA MÉDIA = ',num2str(med)]; %Cria texto ref maxf e medf
limiar=med(1,1); [picos l3]=findpeaks(datcal,'MinPeakHeight',limiar,'MinPeakDistance', 300); temp1 = l3/freq; picos = [temp1 picos];
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) do)
plot(temp,datcal,'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','-','Color','b'); title('Full cell data'); grid off; hold on; xlabel('Time [s]'); ylabel('Force [N]'); legend('Results on plot','Location','Best'); %Legenda
line ([0 11], [maxf(1,1) maxf(1,1)],'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color','r');
line([0 11],[med(1,1) med(1,1)],'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color','k');
text(11.8,maxf(1,1)-5,txtmaxf,'HorizontalAlignment','right'); text(11.8,med(1,1)+5,txtmed,'HorizontalAlignment','right');
% B = arrayfun(@num2str,picos(:,2),'un',0);
%% I need help from here on putting the values on the chart.
function [datf] = filtbutter(dat,fc,freq,ftype) %Filtro Digital
if nargin == 2;
freq = 100;
ftype = 'low';
if nargin == 3;
ftype = 'low';
n=5; %ordem do filtro
wn=fc/(freq/2); %frequencia de corte de
[b,a] = butter(n,wn,ftype); %definindo os parametros para o filtro de Butterworth
[nlin,ncol] = size(dat);
datf = NaN(nlin,ncol);
for i = 1:ncol;
datf(:,i) = filtfilt(b,a,dat(:,i));
Vitor on 14 Jan 2020
This only returns the sum of the peaks, I need to plot the value corresponding to the circle in each red circle in graph. You can help me please?
Meg Noah
Meg Noah on 14 Jan 2020
If idxMaxIndex holds the elements where the data are max, and ECG holds the data itself, then if you want rotated annotation (you can skip the rotation if you prefer)
for iheartbeat = 1:length(idxMaxIndex)
ht = text(1e3*t(idxMaxIndex(iheartbeat)), ...
ECG(idxMaxIndex(iheartbeat))+30, ...
['idx = ' num2str(idxMaxIndex(iheartbeat))]);

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Answers (1)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 14 Jan 2020
Your code is a bit difficult to follow.
Insert this text call just after the plot call for the red circles:
text(picos(:,1), picos(:,2), compose('%.2f', picos(:,2)), 'HorizontalAlign','center', 'VerticalAlign','bottom')
so the complete call for the second figure is now:
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
title('Full cell data');
grid off;
hold on;
xlabel('Time [s]');
ylabel('Force [N]');
legend('Results on plot','Location','Best'); %Legenda
text(picos(:,1), picos(:,2), compose('%.2f', picos(:,2)), 'HorizontalAlign','center', 'VerticalAlign','bottom')
line ([0 11], [maxf(1,1) maxf(1,1)],'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color','r');
line([0 11],[med(1,1) med(1,1)],'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle','--','Color','k');
and the figure is:
1add the peak values of a signal to a graph regardless of number of peaks - 2020 01 13.png
Thie is entirely dependent on whatever is in ‘picos’, so when it changes, the plotted labels change accordingly. Make necessary changes to the font size and other parameters to get the result you want.
If you do not have the compose function, use sprintfc instead. It is undocumented, however everyone has it. The arguments to compose are the same as for sprintfc, so only the function name changes.


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