MATLAB Cody - MATLAB Central

Problem Groups

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String Logic

Here you will learn manipulations with, string, char, letters, and numbers Have fun:)

Cody Problems in Japanese

Cody Problems translated into Japanese.

Materials Science I

A collection of problems relating to materials science. (Illustration of materials paradigm by Dhatfield at Wikipedia, released into the public domain.)

Electrical Engineering Problems - Part 1

This set of problems covers fundamental concepts in Electrical Engineering, focusing on real-world applications like circuits, and more. These problems are designed to challenge your understanding of electrical theory and its practical implementation, while also reinforcing skills in mathematical modeling and simulation. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners looking to sharpen their problem-solving abilities in the field of electrical engineering.

Some simple basic problems

Some simple problems to try out your basics !!

Unit Conversion

A: How far is Ottawa from Toronto? B: It's about five hours... Don't worry, "hours" will not be used as a unit of distance in these problems.

High School Challenge

This group contains problems for high school students so that they can practice their programming skills in MATLAB.

Easy basics

In this group You can find some basic problem. Some problems are not have the correct solutions, but it depends on You if You can solve them on another way...

Guess the Logic!

Guess the logic!

Triangulated meshes

This group hosts cody problems about mesh processing and is especially relative to finding vertex, edges, and triangles indices. I wish all of you to simultaneously enjoy solving my problems, learn new interesting notions, and Matlab coding tricks. I welcome your feedbacks and remarks for me to improve. Please do not hesitate to signal me an error if you find one. Please like if you liked. Thank you :-) Edit : you will find plenty of some relative functions in my mesh processing toolbox. Check my file exchange ! ;-)

Basics on π

π is also called as Archimedes' constant. The historically first exact formula for π, based on infinite series, was not available until a millennium later, when in the 14th century the Madhava-Leibniz series was discovered in Indian mathematics.

Swap Between Values

This group is about flipping and sawpping values in matrix, strings, and bits. Have fun:)

Battery Management Systems - Level 1

Level 1 Battery Management Systems (BMS) provide fundamental monitoring and protection features for battery-powered systems. At this level, BMS primarily focuses on voltage regulation, current monitoring, and temperature control to ensure safe and efficient battery operation. It ensures overcharge protection, over-discharge prevention, and cell balancing in small-scale applications like Electric Vehicles (EVs) and solar power storage. The core function of a Level 1 BMS is to safeguard the battery from critical failures, enhance operational reliability, and extend battery life by maintaining optimal charge/discharge cycles and temperature ranges.

Basics on Vectors

These problems test the basic skills on vector processing.

Draw Letters

Create matrices to draw different letters of the alphabet.

Remove Rows and Columns

In this group you will learn how to remove rows or columns of a matrix with specific featrues and properities Hava fun!

Guess the Logic! II

Crack the logic behind the number patterns.

Matrix Patterns III

It's a technical type of art.

Indexing III

Even more problems that require operating on a subset of elements from a vector or matrix.

R2016b Feature Challenge

Learn about new features in MATLAB R2016b, including strings and timetables.

Hidden Pattern

Find the pattern behind various sequences... It might not be as simple as it seems...

Real-World Problems

There are some great problems on Cody, but many of them are rather theoretical. Being an engineer, I want to use MATLAB to solve practical challenges, so here I have grouped together some problems - some easy, others less so - based on real-world questions (including a few of my own!).

Basics - Rounding

These problems will test the skills in rounding.

CUP Challenge

Problems developed by MathWorks in collaboration with Cambridge University Press publishers.

Magic Numbers IV

Not as easy as 1, 2, 3, but much more satisfying.

MATLAB Fundamentals - Matrices and Arrays

Practice your introductory MATLAB skills with these simple coding problems related to creating and manipulating matrices. These problems are based on the skills you learn in MATLAB Fundamentals.

Sequences & Series III

These problems could continue on forever.

Date & Time II

Basics of using date-time function

Programování - Cody

Rozcvička před začátkem cvičení.

Basic Weather 1

This is a series of problems that illustrate simple weather-related formula. Convert units of atmosphere density and partial pressure of gas constituents. Risk calculations: Wind Chill Factor - the effective temperature due to the cooling effect of wind blowing on a surface and potential risk of frostbite Load on Roof and Deck from Snow - a traffic light of caution based on snowfall and accumulation

Number Manipulation IV

Now, try to not get these out of order while rearranging.


Physics (n): the science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force.

Hidden Pattern - Matrix Version

Similar to the problems in the "Hidden Pattern" group; however, this time we are dealing with matrices.


Procvičování základů programování. Pascalův trojúhelník, Fibonacciho posloupnost, maticové vzory, dělitelnost.

Strings III

Let's test your string-manipulation savviness.

Introduction to MATLAB

New to Cody? Start solving simple MATLAB problems that will test your basic MATLAB skills. If you are new to MATLAB, you can start with MATLAB Onramp, which is a two-hour introductory tutorial on commonly used MATLAB features and workflows.


They say that the devil is in the details.

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