Problem Groups
Advent of Code
These are a collection of cody challenges I put together for month of December. Originally listed on the page which is live for 2023-24. They all have a wintery, or engineering theme.
Date & Time I
''Time is relative''
Linear Algebra
Something at which MATLAB excels.
Splitting Polygons
A collection of simple and sometimes not-so-simple problems related to splitting polygons into regions. Have fun! p.s. Circle can be considered as an infinisidegon.
Computational Geometry I
Computational geometry is one of the oldest fields of computing. Test your knowledge of geometric-based algorithms.
Satellite and Space Engineering Problems
This is a series of problems looking at topics in satellite and space communications and systems engineering. Main topics covered will be communications link engineering and some (basic) orbital mechanics.
Easy problems for Cody 5th Anniversary
Indexing V
Assigning colors to the numbers would make these even more interesting.
Magic Numbers II
Additional challenges testing or generating numbers with special characteristics.
Number Manipulation I
Manipulate numbers from one form to another.
Chemical Engineering Problems I
This group contains problems for chemical engineering students so that they can practice their programming skills in MATLAB.
MATLAB Fundamentals - Programming Constructs
Practice your introductory MATLAB skills with these simple coding problems related to using programming constructs, such as loops and branching. These problems are based on the skills you learn in MATLAB Fundamentals.
Divisible by x
Learn to apply integer divisibility rules to determine whether a number is divisible by x.
Handling Functions
See if you can handle making functions to solve these problems or succumb to methods deployed by the anonymous.
Sequences & Series IV
The fourth group in a sequence.
Image Functions
Can you picture the solution to these problems?
Are You Smarter Than a MathWorker?
As part of the Cody 10th Anniversary contest, pit your wits against these problems. Some are tricky. Some are simple to do, but tricky to do nicely. Show off your MATLAB skills!
Matrix Manipulation III
Move the contents around to be in the right bins.
Combinatorics III
If these problems involved counting sheep, you'd fall asleep before finishing.
Indexing II
More problems that require operating on a subset of elements from a vector or matrix.
Number Manipulation III
Apparently, the original numbers weren't good enough.
Sequences & Series II
Incrementally solve more problems based on sequences and series.
MATLAB Fundamentals - Plotting and Visualization
Practice your introductory MATLAB skills with these simple coding problems related to creating and customizing plots. These problems are based on the skills you learn in MATLAB Fundamentals.
Strings II
String together characters in the correct case.
Matrix Patterns II
Create even more patterned matrices.
Indexing IV
Measure twice, cut once.
Card Games
Problems based around games played with a deck of cards.
Sequences & Series V
There's no general formula for the next term in this series.
Matrix Manipulation II
If only moving things around in real life were this easy.
Basic logic required.
M3 Challenge Problem Group
This Problem set is curated for the M3 Challenge. This problem set is for anyone who wants to brush up their MATLAB skills to prepare for the Challenge.
Functions I
The first collection of problems related to functions, selected from those submitted by members of the MATLAB Central community.
The Cody First XI – MATLAB Problems for Cricket Fans
You may never score more runs than Sachin. You may never take more wickets than Murali. But you can outscore them both on Cody with this cricket-themed problem set. Created to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Cody and the 2022 T20 World Cup (which happened to occur at the same time), this problem set tests basic array manipulation and calculation, data analysis, and string processing skills. These problems are intended mainly for the cricket nerds out there. If that’s not you, but you’re looking for a challenge, you can test your MATLAB knowledge on a whole new application area. The MATLAB is mostly straightforward. The problems can be done without knowledge of cricket (minimal explanations have been provided, as needed). But some of the cricket terminology might bend your brain, if you’re not familiar with it. (You might find yourself on a sticky wicket. It might leave you stumped. etc.)
Computational Geometry IV
Sometimes it's as simple as A^2 + B^2 = C^2.
Magic Numbers
Identify or generate numbers belonging to named sets such as Rational, Armstrong, and Fibonacci.
Number theory
"its a very interesting number"
Matrix Patterns I
Create and detect patterns within matrices.
Indexing I
Apply MATLAB language fundamentals to solve problems selecting, deleting, or rearranging a subset of elements from a vector or matrix.
Prime Numbers I
Prime numbers, sequences, patterns, and other facts. See also The Prime Directive.