Transistor Heat Transfer Interative Demo

This script & Simulink model demonstrates heat generated by power dissipation at transistor junction and its heat transfer to the heatsink.
Updated 15 Aug 2022

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Transistor Heat Transfer Model interactive demo
Written by Rodney Tan (PhD)
This script and Simulink model demostrates heat generated by power dissipation at transistor junction and its heat transfer to the heatsink. It allows the user to set the thermal resistance of junction to case (Rjc), case to heatsink (Rch) and heatsink to ambient (Rha) obtained from the datasheet.
This demo calculate the transistor case temperature based on the transistor power dissipation, heatsink thermal resistance (Rha) and ambient temperature. The initial thermal resistance given is based on MOSFET IRF540 datasheet.

Cite As

Rodney Tan (2024). Transistor Heat Transfer Interative Demo (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2022a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

Version 1.00 (Mar 2021)
Version 1.10 (Aug 2022) Added Simulink Model and IRF540 Datasheet
