
Pronounce digits
Given a number num, select the first d decimal places and pronounce the digits (in English). The function returns the pronunciat...

1 month ago


Remove Adjacent Pairs
Given an array of integers where adjacent elements may be identical, your task is to remove these adjacent pairs. If removing on...

1 month ago


Calculating the Union Area of Overlapping Rectangles
Calculate the area covered by a union of multiple rectangles. Each rectangle is represented by 4 integers: the first two integer...

2 months ago


Largest Rectangle Area in a Histogram
Given a histogram represented by an array of integers, e.g., [2, 1, 4, 5, 1, 3, 3] : find the maximum area of a rectangle tha...

2 months ago


Compute Farey sequences
Problem statement The Farey sequence of order consists of fractions between 0 and 1 expressed in reduced form in increasing or...

2 months ago


Compute a sum
Write a function to compute the following sum Although a solution is available for general values of the coefficients, the co...

2 months ago


switch base
Input an integer, switch its base. Input is a string, so is output.

2 months ago


Reversing Maximal Ascending Subsequences
Create and return a new array that contains the same elements as the input array, but with the elements within each strictly inc...

2 months ago


Secret Message and Acrostic
One of the simplest ways to hide a message involves utilizing uppercase letters. Given a text, collect all uppercase letters in...

2 months ago


ICFP 2024 Programming Contest June 28 thru July 1
This is to announce the annual ICFP programming contest for 2024. The ICFP 2024 homepage link is ICFP 2024 . Registration will...

2 months ago


Implement the signum function
The signum function is a common mathematical function, which has the following definition : If x => 0, its value is 1, if x < 0...

2 months ago


Compute the totient summatory function
Cody Problem 656 deals with the totient function, denoted by which counts the numbers less than that are relatively prime to ....

2 months ago


Roots, Bloody Roots: part 1/2

2 months ago


Alert a city about a spill
Problem statement Cody Problem 54750 involved determining the length of a stream affected by a spill of a contaminant. Any muni...

2 months ago


Compute a sequence with the whyphi sieve
A few problems on Cody involve sieving. For example, Cody Problem 45367 involves the famous Sieve of Eratosthenes. CP 50811uses ...

2 months ago


Find primes and integers that solve an equation
Write a function to find all primes and non-negative integers that solve the equation where is an integer. If there are no...

2 months ago


Valor absoluto de x
Dado uma entrada x, retornar o seu valor absoluto

2 months ago


Número de elementos do array
Retorne o número de elementos de um array

2 months ago


Cos x
Retorne o cosseno de x, onde x está em radianos

2 months ago


Seno de x
Calcule o seno de x, onde x está em radianos

2 months ago


Eleve ao cubo!
dado uma entrada x, encontre o seu cubo

2 months ago


List the smallest numbers with n distinct prime factors
The author of a book I am reading asked a mathematician what it feels like to be sixty. He wrote He replied, “Sixty, sandwiched...

2 months ago


Determine the potential energy in a springrope which hangs over from a bridge
The task is to figure out the energy a person with mass has when hung on a rope over a bridge when given the length from the sus...

2 months ago


Rotate matrix 60 degrees
Given a 2*m-1 by 4*m-3 matrix in which certain elements form a hexagon of side length m, rotate the hexagon 60 degrees countercl...

2 months ago


Classify numbers as abundant, deficient, or perfect
A number is perfect if the sum of its proper divisors (i.e., divisors excluding the number itself) is equal to itself. For examp...

2 months ago


Determine whether a property description closes
The arrival of summer makes think back to the summers I spent working for my father’s engineering firm. For the first several s...

2 months ago


Family Savings Analysis
Given the bank accounts of individuals defined by a list of tuples containing the last name, first name, and savings: accounts ...

2 months ago


Compute the area of a Q
A figure resembling a Q (as in “quadrature”) is constructed in the following way: A right triangle is drawn with the left vertex...

2 months ago


Travel a path
In Cody Problem 60251, minnolina asks us to determine the end point given a string indicating unit movements forward, backward, ...

2 months ago


Determine the mass of a bat which strikes a ball
Given the speed, the force of the impact and the length of the trajectory calculate the mass of the bat which the player holds p...

2 months ago

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