in polyspace why pointers assignation fails
With the following code, and with default options, Polyspace Code Prover (release R2013b) "got" it: typedef unsigned char u...

11 years ago | 0

Custom Rules Check - Struct
Would you please try with a regexp like the following: .*STRUCT.*

11 years ago | 0

| accepted

Polyspace for C error messages: invalid storage class for a parameter/a declaration here must declare a parameter
I recommend you to contact Technical Support with complete log file. A plus would also to provide a small sample that reproduces...

11 years ago | 0

How do I get Polyspace Code Prover to recognize the printf function?
For this question, there are many answers like for instance relaunching with -D __polyspace_no_printf. It depends mainly of the...

11 years ago | 0

Polyspace error during Normalization of xiosbase include file
Another way to workaround the limitation consists in relaunching with option *–functions-to-stub std::ios_base::clear*. It will ...

12 years ago | 0

Polyspace error during Normalization of xiosbase include file
The way to workaround this issue is to follow these steps: * copy xiosbase near configuration file and rename it as ps_xiosba...

12 years ago | 0