
The Spy Problem
A guest at a party is a spy if this person is not known by any other guest, but knows all of them. There is at most one spy at a...

6 years ago


Sherlock Holmes: The Spy Problem
A guest at a party is a spy if this person is not known by any other guest, but knows all of them. There is at most one spy at a...

6 years ago | 1 | 18 solvers


The Deadly Sin
Melvyn and Banner are fighting over chocolates. Melvyn has X chocolates, while Banner has Y. Whoever has a lesser number of choc...

6 years ago


Expand 10^n to Powers of 4
Given an integer n, return the coefficients c = [c_n,c_n-1,...,c_0] Such that 10^n = c_n*4^(n) + c_n-1*4^(n-1...

6 years ago


Expand 10^n to Powers of 4
Given an integer n, return the coefficients c = [c_n,c_n-1,...,c_0] Such that 10^n = c_n*4^(n) + c_n-1*4^(n-1...

6 years ago | 5 | 42 solvers


Dampening of Servomotors with Tachometer Feedback
In Control Engineering, servomotors with tachometer feedback can be modeled by the second order system K / [J*s^2 + (B + K*K...

6 years ago


Damping of Servomotors with Tachometer Feedback
In Control Engineering, servomotors with tachometer feedback can be modeled by the second order system K / [J*s^2 + (B + K*K...

6 years ago | 2 | 26 solvers


Response of First Order Control Systems
In practice, the input signal to an automatic control system is not known ahead of time but usually random in nature. Thus, in t...

6 years ago


Response of First Order Control Systems
In practice, the input signal to an automatic control system is not known ahead of time but usually random in nature. Thus, in t...

6 years ago | 4 | 4 solvers


Response of First Order System
In practice, the input signal to an automatic control system is not known ahead of time but usually random in nature. Thus, in t...

6 years ago


Nodal Voltage of Resistor Ladder Network
* You have a bunch (an even number N) of identical resistors (each R ohms), a good battery (V volts) and a high impedance voltme...

6 years ago


Nodal Voltage of Resistor Ladder Network
* You have a bunch (an even number N) of identical resistors (each R ohms), a good battery (V volts) and a high impedance voltme...

6 years ago | 2 | 7 solvers


Flexible Anonymous Function
Given a function handle, return a handle to a function that would accept an arbitrary number of inputs, applies the function to ...

6 years ago


I said now!

6 years ago


Two-output anonymous function?
Return a function handle that when applied to an input, it produces two outputs: the first is the same as the input, and the sec...

6 years ago


Mimic foldl in functional programming
Mimic the higher-order function |foldl| ( < Wikipedia:Fold (higher-...

6 years ago


Find the maximum number of decimal places in a set of numbers
Given a vector or matrix of values, calculate the maximum number of decimal places within the input. Trailing zeros do not coun...

6 years ago


Monte-Carlo integration
Write a function that estimates a d-dimensional integral to at least 1% relative precision. Inputs: * d: positive integer....

6 years ago


Usage of java.math : N Choose K with unlimited precision
Calculate the binomial coefficient nchoosek with full accuracy. This challenge may use the wonderful word of java.math that allo...

6 years ago


Usage of java.math : Add, Multiply, Pow
This challenge is an introduction to the wonderful word of java.math that allows unlimited precision calculations. The primary ...

6 years ago


What are the odds?
Two numbers, A and B are drawn randomly and uniformly on [-R,R]. What is the probability that A*B < A+B. Your function should ...

6 years ago


Is the paranthesis sequence balanced ?
Quantum mechanics and computer science are interested in < bra-kets>. Today...

6 years ago


Kurosu Solver
This problem is related to < Problem 44657>. The ga...

6 years ago


count to vector
Return a matrix of numbers of dimension K by N, where K = prod(v), and N=length(v). The rows count from a vector of ones up to v...

6 years ago


Fix y_correct : Hack
The Test Suite has an error. Fix the y_correct value. (See the tags for hints)

6 years ago


RMS value from a set of observations
Find rms value of a set of observations of a physical quantity? Hint: The observations are accessed in the form of vectors

6 years ago


The almost-birthday problem.
This is a harder version of the birthday problem. Now, you will have to determine the probability that two or more people in a r...

6 years ago


Prime Product
My professor has given a sequence of N numbers as a1, a2, ..., aN and asked me to find the smallest possible value of ai * aj su...

6 years ago


Schwarzschild radius
Compute the < Schwarzschild radius> for objects of mass m (kg). Use c = 299,792...

6 years ago


Fill an array given a sum and array length values
Fill an array with random numbers so that their sum and array length will be equal to the given values as input. Function will ...

6 years ago

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