Efficient decimation with Embedded Coder
If you could make all occurrences of dcsDec the same size then you would only get one variable. If that is not possible, ...

12 years ago | 1

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Embedded coder: How to specify array function input parameter as constant (read only) ?
This is an oversight in the design. I've created a bug report. In the mean time, you can work around the problem by using a ...

12 years ago | 0

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Simulink SFunction Interface Error: due to insufficient storage
Have you tried turning off debugging in the MATLAB Function block? That usually has a dramatic effect and allows many more exam...

12 years ago | 1

why embedded matlab function failed to determine the size of expression
In more recent versions your code should just work. However, in older versions the size of this pattern was not understood: ...

12 years ago | 0

Coder deleting variable definitions
Hi Adam, Sorry to hear about your frustration. If you have 200 variables you might want to consider a different approach. ...

12 years ago | 1

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coder.ceval for printf from stdio.h
This example worked for me: function simple_printf s1=['%s%-*.*f%s%d' 10 0]; s2=['Time level ' 0]; s3=['[s], Ite...

12 years ago | 2

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Replacing the '@' symbol for MATLAB Coder
Hi Adam, What is the first error message you receive? The error message you mention above just means that there is someth...

12 years ago | 1

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the problem to generate a matrix in C + + code by Matlab coder
There is no way to get MATLAB Coder to generate multi-dimensional arrays in C. This usually is not a practical problem. For ...

12 years ago | 0

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Codegen saying variable is constrained to being non-complex when it's defined as complex
MATLAB Coder automatically renames variables. These two lines are actually constraining two separate variables. yvec1 = ...

12 years ago | 2

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MATLAB Coder licensing limitations
Please refer to the license agreement. I found this post that covers a lot of these issues: <

12 years ago | 0

failed to determine the appropriate size in find
Try this: function [ y ] = a_test() x = zeros(5, 1); k1 = find(x > 1, 1); if (isempty(k1)) k1 = 0; end...

12 years ago | 0

codegen: Problems using a structure as an input parmeter
Hi AJ, Have you looked at coder.cstructname? That command can be used to specify the C name to use for a structure type. ...

12 years ago | 0

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code produced wrong fixed sized arrays causing exceptions
Hi Rami, I suspect this is happening because your target has 16-bit integers. The size vector is wrapping as one million can...

12 years ago | 1

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codegen: Problems using a structure as an input parmeter
Have you tried compiling both of these files with a single call to the codegen command? You can pass multiple entry points, and...

12 years ago | 0

emlc generates two different c-files for the same supporting function when building two functions, how do you merge them?
Hi Todd, Just use this idiom emlc -c -T rtw:lib -report -d foo1 fcn1 fcn2 That will product a library with an entry p...

13 years ago | 0

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Specifying function names in generated code using emlc
Hi Todd, You can specify multiple top-level functions to EMLC. Each top-level entry point will have the name you gave it in ...

13 years ago | 0

emlc issue
Hi Jeremiah, Add the line task = 0; before the line task = input ..... This tells EMLC that you are expecting a ...

13 years ago | 2

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Using emlc to generate C code - function within a function problem
Try using eml.unroll on the for-loop. That will cause the loop to be unrolled in the generated code. This may or may not b...

13 years ago | 0

Running Previously User-Built MATLAB code from Simulink
Hi Andrew, Could you please provide a bit more detail? I am puzzled by how coder.extrinsic became involved in this? Wha...

13 years ago | 0

Running Previously User-Built MATLAB code from Simulink
Hi Andrew, Could you please provide a bit more detail? I am puzzled by how coder.extrinsic became involved in this? Wha...

13 years ago | 0

what she does the eml_assert?
Hi Aydi, These are undocumented MathWorks functions. Can you provide some context? What problem are you trying to solve? ...

13 years ago | 0