Multiple loops to build structure?
It can be done somewhat what like this one: GN = {'Group 1:'; 'Group 2:'; 'Group 3:'}; NA = {'North'; 'East'; 'West']; for ...

1 year ago | 0

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How do I graphic
The given inequality does not have explicit solution. Therefore, by ignoring analytical constraints, these can be obtained: sym...

1 year ago | 0

Starting with the ramp signal r(t) and unit step signal u(t) given below, please write the codes to plot the following transformed versions (a-f):
t=-10:10; figure plot(t,t); grid on xlabel('Samples') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Ramp') figure t2=[zeros(1,100), on...

1 year ago | 0

unable to connect blocks in Simulink
Use Simulink-PS converter block:

1 year ago | 0

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how to plot two m.file in one plot
use plot(x, y), e.g.: x = [-5:5;2*(-5:5); 3*(-5:5)]; y = [3*x.^2+3*x-3; -5*x.^2+5*x-15; -2*x.^2-3*x-13;]; plot(x(1,:),y(1,:),...

1 year ago | 0

Inverse FFT of a matrix
Just looking at your attached figure, it is clear along x axis is time. inverse FFT gives back time domain data from freq domain...

1 year ago | 0

Why can't I run my code? (tfest function)
Here it is running ok: x = readtable('data_thermal_pulse.txt'); time = x.Var1; T1 = x.Var2-x.Var2(1); input = x.Var4; Ts = ...

1 year ago | 0

Why does this function not work for decimals?
Here is the corrected answer (Note abs(x)<=1): % x = input("Please enter the value of x (in radians): "); % Here "input" prom...

1 year ago | 0

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How to find an area below the curve follwed by x and y axis having two different parameters?
That would be something like this: DATA = [53 100; 26.5 88.5; 9.5 64.95; 4.75 46.85; 2.36 25.34; 0.85 23.14; 0.425 0;]; ...

1 year ago | 0

help understand the step size of the electrical engine dyno example
Click on Modeling Tab --> Model Explorer --> Base Workspace, and then you will see that the sampling time is 1E-5 in seconds. Se...

1 year ago | 0

How to randomly sample output times in Simbiology?
To randomly generate values using MEAN and STD values, normrnd() fcn can be used: MEAN_val = 15; % Mean in minutes STD_dev ...

1 year ago | 0

How to get rid of Noise in Simulink?
There are a few blocks can be used. E.g., Discrete Filter (Transfer Function), Discrete FIR Filter, etc., whcih can be found: Si...

1 year ago | 0

Matlab Plotting command problem
Even though you have not mentioned any error, there is a tiny point linked with hold on command. It needs to be followed at the ...

1 year ago | 0

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How to ignore special characters and retrieve the data prior to the character
Here is one possible solution, to get the data correctly from the data file: % Open the data file for reading FID = fopen('tem...

1 year ago | 0

Solve equations of motion containing matrices and partial derivatives
Your posted code has a few critical issues to be addressed before executing it. (1) epsilon_rp is undefined; (2) y(1) =4.3; bu...

1 year ago | 0

Summing two signals should result in zero, but doesn't
Note that the matlab's PRECISION is not ABSOLUTE. See this example of Pythogorian theorem: a = -pi:pi/100:pi; F = 1 - (sin(a)....

1 year ago | 0

how to convert a 3D surface into a 2D contour?
Note that it is clear from the colorbar scale (Figure 2 in your question) that there must be another operation before obtaining ...

1 year ago | 0

Error in resampling function
If you want to use fs = 5000 Hz, then the command syntax has to be resample(x_siganl, time, fs_new) This is how it should be don...

1 year ago | 0

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How to compute forces in global reference frame?
Presuming that you are also using some blocks from SimScape toolbox in the Simulink environment, here are some points to conside...

1 year ago | 0

How do I change the current directory in Simulink Onramp?
Even if you are working online, you can still go for "Save As" option (upper left corner) to select the directory where to save ...

1 year ago | 1

how to convert a 3D surface into a 2D contour?
This is how it can be done: H = openfig('ds2.fig'); % This is the extracted plot figure h = findobj(gca, 'Type', 'surfac...

1 year ago | 0

Use of interp2 in an arbitrary dataset
Is this what you wanted to obtain: % Given DATA: Data = [ 0.25 0.25 0.5; 0.50 0.60 1.5; 0.75 0.75 3.0];...

1 year ago | 0

How to do bit-wise operations on symbolic variables that may be very long possibly larger than inter 64
Is this what you are trying to get: syms a b c n % Create symbols a = 12345; b = 9867; c = sym(0); n = 0; while a > ...

1 year ago | 1

Plotting negative errorbar on semilogx
It looks like this is how to display the missing half of error bar values. The solution with the x- axis limit set up: D = read...

1 year ago | 0

Plotting negative errorbar on semilogx
This is how the nagtive values can be displayed in the plot: D = readtable('file.xlsx'); IDX1 = log10(D.density)>0; semilogx(...

1 year ago | 0

Invalid hardware message in Simulink
The error does not mean that the Simulink Instrument Control toolbox has an error. Your installed version of the toolbox may not...

1 year ago | 0

Use regexp to find all letters in string except one
This how it can be done: inputText = 'abcd1 23 ,.@_'; EXPR = '[a-cA-Ce-zA-Z]'; result = regexp(inputText, EXPR, 'match'); di...

1 year ago | 0

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Cannot open the Distance protection example?
1st of all, make sure the spelling of the model name. 2nd, this is where you can see all available Simulink example models in S...

1 year ago | 0

How can I record the sound produced after the LPC Algorithm?
If understood correctly, you are trying to record the filtered sounds. If so, audiowrite() can solve the task (to export the fil...

1 year ago | 0

Linking markers in sequence of evaluated eigenvalue
Axis limits can be also adjust a bit more to get better display of the results, e.g.: a = -2.6152 + 5.0781i; b = -2....

1 year ago | 0

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