preserve datetick labels when resizing
Here's a small example that might help: function test plot( now : now+30, rand( 1, 31 ) ); datetick x; s...

12 years ago | 0

How to transfer pointcloud to mesh
Perhaps |v| and |f| represent vertex and face information? If that is the case you can use the <

12 years ago | 1

Triangular Mesh w/ Known Vertices
If I understand you correctly, you have a list of vertices and an array that specifies how to connect them into triangles. If yo...

12 years ago | 0

How to plot discrete points as colormap?
I think you want to use < |scatter|> instead of |surf|. Take a look at the...

12 years ago | 2

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Get lineseries handle
Setting the |DisplayName| property does not automatically show the legend. You still need to explicitly show the legend: h ...

12 years ago | 0

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Plotting cell array with empty cells - changing linespec
I would suggest using a property-value pair to set the marker instead of a linespec string in this case: f = { 1:3, rand(1,...

12 years ago | 0

Help in visualizing four-dimensional data.
This series of videos discuses most of the functions used in MATLAB for visualizing functions of three variables: <http://blo...

12 years ago | 0

Meshing around the outside of a circle
Are you using the < |DelaunayTri| class> to generate the mesh? If...

12 years ago | 0

Plotting X Y Z
This is simply not what < |ezplot|> is designed to do. The documentation fo...

12 years ago | 1

Why does EdgeLighting on patches not work?
It _is_ being lit, just not the way you're expecting based on how the patch was created. For example, after doing this... ...

12 years ago | 2

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plot scatter and line in same grid
They're both there; they are just on vastly different scales. Note that the x-data of the line goes from 0 to 3. The x-data of t...

12 years ago | 2

Superposition of contour and contourf
The issue arises from the fact that the colormap is a per figure (as opposed to per axes or per object) property. <

13 years ago | 0

Graph color as a function.
You might want to have a look at < |cline| on the File Exchange>....

13 years ago | 1

use of eval
I think < |feval|> would be a better option here. It is a safer than |eval|,...

13 years ago | 4

How to rotate a function about the y-axis
You might have a look at this similar question: <

13 years ago | 0

Print an image with a fixed size
You should use the |'PaperPosition'| property to adjust the output size, not |'PaperSize'|. However, even if you make that chang...

13 years ago | 0

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Images for real time spectrogram: how to change CData partially in an efficient way?
Don't assume you have a performance problem before you do. Try the |C = get(image1, 'CData')|, modify |C|, |set(image1, 'CData',...

13 years ago | 0

Print curly braces in a plot
There's nothing that ships with MATLAB that does exactly what you want. The <

13 years ago | 4

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Volumetric Interpolation using Slice function, how to obtain colour values from the image of the plane
You can extract the |CData| property of the slice surface |h|: get(h, 'CData') That should get you the values you're loo...

13 years ago | 0

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MESHZ - Change Curtain color.
Yes, it is possible. You can do it by adjusting the < |CData|>...

13 years ago | 0

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3D Surface Plot With Only Vectors
Have you looked at < |trisurf|>? The idea is that you first need to com...

13 years ago | 2

3d triplot
I think you might be looking for < |tetramesh|>.

13 years ago | 0

Can I make a surface or colormap with latitude, longitude, and concentration using MATLAB? (photo example)
Have you looked at the < |pcolor|> function? Here's an example: [x,y,z...

13 years ago | 0

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title that spans subplots
An < |annotation|> is good to use here. It is a little easier than the ...

13 years ago | 4

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what function contourc returns
The contour matrix that |contourc| returns is basically a bunch of vertices that define the contour lines. Each vertex is an (x,...

13 years ago | 1

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Why does ishandle(0) return 1?
0 is the numeric handle to the < |root object|>. You can find a list of...

13 years ago | 0

Can timers trigger a single event that many objects listen to?
Sure, that's entirely possible. You can wrap the basic MATLAB < |timer|> in ...

13 years ago | 2

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Plotyy and error bars
When customizing graphs made with < |plotyy|>, it is usually useful to stor...

13 years ago | 0

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Strange patch behaviour when hgtransform applied to object
I think this is probably a bug in how the < ZBuffer renderer...

13 years ago | 1

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How to get surf to plot all points and not ignore last row and column?
I understand that you want to draw a surface where each face is _centered_ at a certain location and colored appropriately. It _...

13 years ago | 1

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