Transfer Function,fourth-Order
A=rand(4,4) % 4th order system B= rand(4,2) % Assuming you have two inputs C=ones(size(A)) D=zeros(size(B)) system=ss(A,B,C,...

5 years ago | 1

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how to find data?
First of all 2.9377e+03=2937.7 and not 29377 as you are looking for. So relook into that. Secondly, i think its just accuracy e...

5 years ago | 0

How to delay time-domain signals other than adding zeros at the beginning
You can use delayseq Well, this also adds zeros at the beginning of your signal but you are not doing it manually and not alter...

5 years ago | 0

Simulink If function to change the out put based on input
Use sign function output = myfunc(input) output=sign(input); end BTW what happens if input is zero? you have not mentioned t...

5 years ago | 0

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In MATLAB we use tf2ss, similarly how can we Implement this in simulink
Why not use the transfer function block directly instead of converting it to state space model? Anyways, you can use 'Matlab fun...

5 years ago | 1

transfer function using matlab s-function
See here: Under the section "C S-Function Examples" you ca...

5 years ago | 0

Why do i get a different pzmap if i use idtf or ss representation of the same system
I assume you are doing something like this: G = idtf(num,den) M=tf(num,den) N=ss(G) Now you expect G ,M and N to be identica...

5 years ago | 0

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Run sections of Simulink diagram separately
1)"keep the sections in separate files, save data from the first section to Workspace, then use that workspace data in the secon...

5 years ago | 0

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How to replace zero with a number in null matrix at required position
I see no specific pattern in your modified matrix. So just use proper indexing to insert the required number at required locatio...

5 years ago | 0

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Kp, Ki, Kd values to an PID controller
Your question is quite vague. 1) You have not mentioned anything about your system. I am assuming its a MIMO system. What is th...

5 years ago | 0

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How to get rid of gaps in my structure?
Try 'rmfield'

5 years ago | 0

How to read .dat file and remove headerline from the file using textscan ?
See the "Name-Value Pair Arguments" section here: You can use 'HeaderLi...

5 years ago | 0

how xor is used between two no.? or which command ?
xor(mod(176+233,256),142) Is this what you are looking for? Is so,a quick MA...

5 years ago | 0

Help me to make a function of while loop
ii=1; A(1,1)=1/(1^4); while abs(A(ii,1))>=0.0001 A(ii+1,1)=((-1)^(ii))*(1/((ii+1)^4)); ii=ii+1; end RequiredSum=su...

5 years ago | 0

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how to return to a back step by checking back steps . problem in 4 and 5 step
After running the code upto here: x=0.3; x=0.3; p=0.343; for n=2:65536; if x(n-1)>=0 & x(n-1)<=p x(n)=x(n-1)/p; else x...

5 years ago | 0

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Importing data from multiple text files and plot on one figure?
Since you have not shared a sample text file, I assumed a few things. You can tweak this code a bit as per your files and that s...

6 years ago | 0

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What is an equivalent of find() in python?
What 'find' is doing here: Equ...

6 years ago | 5

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Transfer functions to simulate quadcopter rotor behaviour
1) In a close loop system, the transfer function in Simulink behaves as the "plant", which is essentially the quadcopter actuato...

6 years ago | 0

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Hi, See here:

6 years ago | 0

How can I generate a code for this equation?
If you have Symbolic math toolbox then this can be done in an elegant way. In case you don't have symbolic math toolbox (like me...

6 years ago | 0

how to find the equivalent value in the same row of the next column?
Use this: data = [28 1; 28 2; 28,13; 30 11; 30 22; 30 30]; A=diff(data(:,1)); data(:,1)=[A;0]; temp=find(data(:,1)~=0); tem...

6 years ago | 0

How I can use printf or disp in MATLAB to print some special format of my data set?
A=ones(668,5); % Put your matrix here fid=fopen('MyFile.txt','w'); % Open text file temp=1; temp1=1; for ii=1:668 if ...

6 years ago | 0

Cant install MATLAB on UBUNTU 18.04.2 LTS
See the accepted answer issue#2 here:

6 years ago | 0

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How make code has 2 vectors as input and make loop than find output as vector
v=rand(10,1); t=[0:0.1:0.9]'; a=zeros(numel(v),1); for ii=2:numel(v) a(ii,1)=(v(ii)-v(ii-1))/(t(ii)-t(ii-1)); end disp...

6 years ago | 1

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RC circuit trasnfer function expression
You can use the linearization functionality (Linear analysis tool) of control system designer to get transfer function from your...

6 years ago | 0

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not allowing me use pid tunes
Why don't you compute the closed-loop transfer function (with a PID controller) and then apply Routh's criterion. It will tell y...

6 years ago | 0

sort 2 matrices for minimum numbers sum and divide them
I am assuming n is a multiple of m. In that case this works: r=sort(r); x=sort(x); m=input('enter value of m:'); if m==1 ...

6 years ago | 1

How to save the answer that is generated in a triple for loop?
Just add one more loop to index the 'peaks' something like this: for ii=1:numel(peaks) for K1 = 170000:5000:210000 kn = ...

6 years ago | 0

How i can write array cell to excel sheet using loops?
What is the issue? Is this what you are looking for: a{1,1}='glcm11'; a{1,2}='glcm12'; a{1,3}='glcm13'; a{1,4}='glcm14'; xl...

6 years ago | 0

Build the sum fom only a few coloumns of a matrix.
n=input('Enter number of rows:'); A=rand(n,10); B=zeros(n,2); for x=1:n B(x,1)=sum(A(x,1:5)); B(x,2)=sum(A(x,6:10))...

6 years ago | 0

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