
Find the position of first minimum value in an integer array with numbers
If x = [2 6 4 9 10 3 1 5 1] the the output should be 7, because the first minimum value (1) lies at the 7th position.

2 years ago


Find nth maximum
Find nth maximum in a vector of integer numbers. Return NaN if no such number exists. x = [2 6 4 9 -10 3 1 5 -10]; So ...

2 years ago


Create a Multiplication table matrix...
Create a product table in this format: P = [ 1 2 3 4 5; 2 4 6 8 10; 3 6 9 12 15; 4 8 12 1...

2 years ago


Match the given string based on first two characters on each string. For example A='harsa'; b='harish'; result '1' ...

2 years ago


Matlab Basics - Pick out parts of a vector
Consider x a vector of length >= 7 (there are at least 7 elements in the vector, write a script that extracts the 2nd element, a...

2 years ago


What percentage?
Calculate the output c as the percentage of a on b for given a and b.

2 years ago


Given a matrix, return the last eigen value
Given a matrix, return the first eigen value For example: x = magic(5) 17 24 1 8 15 23 5 7 14 ...

2 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Find the roots of a function
Write a function that finds where a curve crosses zero (the x-axis) to two decimal places Example: <<http://s14.postimg.o...

2 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Create a vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 4's, for example, if n = 3 output = [4 4 4] make sure to round UP when n is a...

2 years ago


Matlab Basics II - Unit Conversion
Write a function that converts Kg to lbs, returns the answer to the nearest 1/100th of a pound

2 years ago


Matlab Basics - y as a function of x
Write a function to calculate y as a function of x, such that y = 6x^2 + 5x - 2

2 years ago


Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer?
Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer? Examples: Input x = 'Is it Obama?' Output = 'Me!' Input x = 'Who ?' Ou...

2 years ago


Sort in descending order.

2 years ago


Mile to Kilometer
x is mile and y is km

2 years ago


Convert yards to feet
The goal of this script is to convert a value given in yards to feet.

2 years ago


Create matrix of replicated elements
Given an input element x, and the dimensions, (m, n) return a matrix of size m x n filled with element x. Example: Input: ...

2 years ago


Calculate the square of a number (Super Easy)
The goal is to calculate the square (y) of a number (x). Good way to start MatLab for beginners.

2 years ago


divide by 5

2 years ago


Cumulative product of a vector
Cumulative product of a vector example x=[1 2 5 10], then answer must be [ 1 2 10 100] *If you like this prob...

2 years ago


Sum two matrices
Take two incoming matrices, and sum them

2 years ago


Volume of Cylinder
Find the volume of a cylinder

2 years ago


Kelvin to Fahrenheit
You can find a doc about it in here => x is kelvi...

2 years ago


Replicate elements in vectors
Replicate each element of a row vector (with NaN) a constant number of times. Examples n=2, A=[1 2 3] -> [1 1 2 2 3 3] ...

2 years ago


print 'Hello W0rld'

2 years ago


Project Euler: Problem 6, Natural numbers, squares and sums.
The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 10^2 = 385 The square of the sum of the first ...

2 years ago


Determina el número de cifras de un número
Crea una función que te devuelva el número de cifras de un número. Algunos ejemplos para ayudarte serían: El número 125 tie...

2 years ago


Juego de posiciones
Crea una función que ordene vectores de tal manera que los primeros números sean negativos ordenados de menor a mayor. Y después...

2 years ago


Construyendo matrices parte 2
Construye la siguiente matriz a partir de otros tres vectores/matrices. [ 1 8 15 3 3 3 3 2 9 16 3 3...

2 years ago


Convert Kilometers to Miles
Convert kilometers to miles. Consider 1 km = 0.62 mile. Note: Don't use the '*' operator.

2 years ago


Replace every 3rd element in a vector with 4
x is a vector of undetermined length You are to replace every 3rd element with the number 4, example: x = [11 23 34 43 2 3...

2 years ago

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