How to compare each element of two arrays fullfilling a set condition more efficiently / quickly?
A = randi([0,5],10,1); B = randi([0,5],10,1); err = 0.5; [a,b] = meshgrid(A,B) ; idx = a<(1+err)*b & a>(1-err)*b ; r...

1 year ago | 0

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Build arrays under the for loop
R = cell(10,1) ; for i=1:10 R{i}= nonzeros(D(i,:)); end You can access by R{1},R{2},...R{10}. R is a cell array. You ...

1 year ago | 0

How to exclude/extract empty rows/columns in a table?
T = readtable(''); % Remove empty rows idx...

1 year ago | 1

Error using tf The values of the "Numerator" and "Denominator" properties must be row vectors or cell arrays of row vectors,
Your numerator and denominator are sym class. You need to convert them to double using double. sys = tf(double(numerator) , dou...

1 year ago | 0

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How do I input names properly in a script?
height=input('enter your height in feet:'); weight=input('enter your weight in pounds:'); name=input('enter your first name:',...

1 year ago | 0

how to convert a.mat file in to png?
Read about volumeViewer load('dataset_liver_bmodes_steatosis_assessment_IJCARS.mat') I = data(1).images ; volumeViewer(I)

1 year ago | 0

How to convert symbolic output to numeric value in Symbolic Math Toolbox?
Read about double, vpasolve.

1 year ago | 0

Animate a line in polar coordinates
In your case r is comlex number which is not allowed. You need to get r as shown below. theta = 0:0.001:2*pi; R = 1 ; x = R...

1 year ago | 0

How to discretize the color in contour bar at smallest possible range?
% Make data for demo [X,Y,Z] = peaks ; vals = [0.000 0.005; 0.005 0.009 ; 0.01 0.05 ; 0.05 0.1; ...

1 year ago | 0

How to plot the graph for a given signal over a range of frequency
w = [0 pi/8 pi/4 pi/2 pi] ; n = 1 ; x = cos(w*n) ; plot(w,x)

1 year ago | 0

How to convert cell char array in Table With Column
You can use regexp to extract the data. load('Data.mat') [m,n] = size(Datawebsite) ; predictedClass = cell(m,1) ; maximum...

1 year ago | 0

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Using masking and native string functions to find the longest word in a string.
str = 'Today is a good day' ; s = strsplit(str) ; L = cellfun(@length,s) ; [val,idx] = max(L) ; longest_string = s{idx} ; f...

1 year ago | 0

Maximum perpendicular distance between lines
You have to use the foot of the perpendicular formula. clc; clear all ; x = [120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 ...

1 year ago | 0

Indexing in complex cell arrays
% Make dummy data for demo a = cell(10,1) ; for i = 1:10 m = randsample(5:10,1) ; b = cell(m,1) ; for j = 1:m...

1 year ago | 0

Generate a Random Point inside a box/plane
A = [0 0] ; % (p,q) B = [1 1] ; % (x,y) a = 50; b = 100; r = (b-a).*rand(1000,1) + a; x = (B(1)-A(1))*rand(100,1)+A(1) ; ...

1 year ago | 0

How to plot This graph in matlab?
I have shown one plot for you reference. You may extend the same to others. x=1.0:0.1:3.0; y=-2.03*10^-3*x.^2+5.76*10^-3*x+1*...

1 year ago | 0

Expected a scalar value. This expression has size [:? x 1].
Try this: % Sample Code tol = 10^-3 ; % can be changed idx = find(abs(sample.data1-values)<tol) ; max_index = idx(1) ;

1 year ago | 1

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Fisher Discriminant analysis - issues with classes
You should use: % Compute mean of each class mu = zeros(k,C); % k = 3 i.e. number rows and C is number of classes i.e.5 for...

1 year ago | 0

How to check whether point is inside high dimensional convex hull?
This link should help you:

1 year ago | 0

Extract area of matrices (lat, lon, data) by shapefile. "Requested array exceeds the maximum possible variable size."
You need not to use meshgrid. Already your lon, lat values are in meshgrid. Remove these lines: lat = %MyLat 8000x8192; lon = ...

1 year ago | 0

extractin values from a struct that is in a table
rain = data.rain ; iwant = zeros(length(rain),1) ; for i = 1:length(rain) if ~isempty(rain{i}) iwant(i) = rain{...

1 year ago | 0

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Find unknowns from inequations
Read about linprog

1 year ago | 0

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How to find first 10 minimum values in a table array?
You can sort the array you want and arrange the other arrays/ table into that order. You can pick the first whatever number you ...

1 year ago | 0

How do I plot values taken from a for loop function?
clc B0=-0.00356616 ; %Lapse Rate T0=518.67 ; B=B0 ; %Lapse Rate a=0.1:36089.2 ; %Altutude in ft T...

1 year ago | 0

A general question about syntax regarding an Excel file's rows and columns in MATLAB
T = readtable(file,'HeaderLines',1) ; data = table2array(T) ; m = mean(data) [SL: fixed typo]

1 year ago | 0

Filling area common to two inequalities?
clc; clear all; E11=0.041057; E12=-0.117734; E21=0.029952; E22=-0.042564; A=[1 -E22/E11]; D0=E11*E22-E12*E21 ; ...

1 year ago | 0

Approximate Value Using Taylor Polynomial
syms x f = (sin(x).^2).*(cos(x)) T = taylor(f,x,'order',10) double(subs(T,5))

1 year ago | 0

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Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1. Error in refPose = data.ActorSpecifications(1,46).Waypoints;
Change this line: refPose = data.ActorSpecifications(1,46).Waypoints; to refPose = data.ActorSpecifications(46,1).Waypoints;

1 year ago | 0

reshape help doing PCA when all images contained in one .mat file
Your X data is of size 3240X20, you cannot reshape its each column to size 64X56..because 64X56=3584~=3240. So you need to use y...

1 year ago | 0

Loop variable for readtable arguments
txtFiles = dir('*.txt') ; N = length(txtFiles) ; for i = 1:N T = readtable(txtFiles(i).name) end

1 year ago | 0

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