Matlab equivalent to iPython Notebook
An update on this question: MathWorks have now released an official MATLAB kernel for Jupyter. Details at Official MathWorks MAT...

1 year ago | 0

How to install Matlab Jupyter engine on macOS
MathWorks have now released a MATLAB Kernel for Jupyter. You should find this easier to use! Official MathWorks MATLAB kernel fo...

1 year ago | 0

Jupyterhub with Matlab integration
MathWorks have now released a MATLAB kernel for Jupyter. Details at Official MathWorks MATLAB kernel for Jupyter released » The...

1 year ago | 2


Official MathWorks MATLAB kernel for Jupyter released
Update: Since this post was published, the MATLAB Kernel for Jupyter has also been made available on Windows. See......

1 year ago


How to hide code in live script files for others to not see?
How you proceed depends on what you mean by 'hide'. You can make the code disappear by clicking on the third icon on the right ...

1 year ago | 0


Which MATLAB Optimization functions can solve my problem?
The solvers function from Optimization toolbox is one of my favourite enhancements of R2022b because it helps improve my...

1 year ago



Add two lines to your MATLAB code to make it work with big data
Today's guest blogger is Harald Brunnhofer, a Principal Training Engineer at MathWorks. On top of getting thousands of...

1 year ago



Playing with the R2022b MATLAB Apple Silicon beta for M1/M2 Mac
Update 22nd June 2023: An updated blog post about MATLAB on Apple Silicon can be found at...

1 year ago


Efficient way of Vectorization
Switch the order of the loops around. It will be faster because you'll be operating on the matrix column-wise test function ...

1 year ago | 4


MATLAB’s High Performance Computing (HPC) and ‘Big Data’ datatypes
Table of ContentsgpuArrays - GPU programming made easy dlarray - Specialised objects for Deep Learning training Tall...

1 year ago


Macbook arm M1/M2 chip support
Yes. It is in development now. There was a beta released a few months ago that is no longer available Exploring the MATLAB beta...

1 year ago | 1

How can i plot this function? y=0.75/(log10(x)*2).^2
How about this? x = linspace(0.01,0.99,100); % Avoid tricky inputs like 1 y = 0.75./(log10(x)*2).^2; plot(x,y)

1 year ago | 0

Why aren't the first and last peaks detected using findpeaks()?
For vec1, the reason is that the peak is also the last data point and so is intentionally exlcuded. The findpeaks documentation...

1 year ago | 1

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sin(2*pi) vs sind(360)
If you ever need to compute sin(x*pi) or cos(x*pi), its better to do sinpi(x) or cospi(x). You never explicitly multily x by a ...

2 years ago | 1

Why in matlab sin(pi) is not zero but sin(pi/2) is 1?
If you ever need to compute sin(x*pi) or cos(x*pi), its better to do sinpi(x) or cospi(x). You never explicitly multily x by a ...

2 years ago | 2


sinpi, cospi, implicit expansion and The 2022 MATLAB Mini-Hack
The 2022 MATLAB Mini-Hack is currently underway where MATLAB users submit 280 characters of code in order to produce a cool...

2 years ago



How Well Can I Draw a Circle? A MATLAB Adventure
Today's guest blogger is Rob Holt, who works at MathWorks in Natick, Massachusetts. Rob currently serves as the Manager for...

2 years ago



Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

2 years ago

Is there any concept like dictionary or hash tables in matlab like in Python?
As of R2022b, MATLAB has a new dictionary datatype An introduction to dictionaries (associative arrays) in MATLAB » The MATLAB B...

2 years ago | 8

How to make dictionary in Matlab
In R2022b and later, you can use the new dictionary type for this. Faster than A tutorial-like introduction at...

2 years ago | 0

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Dictionaries of Hashtables in MATLAB?
Reviving this thread in 2022 because R2022b contains a new dictionary data type. A tutorial-like introduction at An introductio...

2 years ago | 1

Faster alternative to containers.Map
MATLAB R2022b has a new dictionary datatype that's much faster than A tutorial-like introduction at An introduc...

2 years ago | 0


An introduction to dictionaries (associative arrays) in MATLAB
Dictionaries are one of the many new features of MATLAB R2022b which was released yesterday. Today I'll take a look at some...

2 years ago


how to remove/kill the figure produced with colormap
If the colormap is the most recent command you've executed, it will be the current figure. As such, you can use delete(gcf) W...

2 years ago | 0

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How do I know how large an array can fit on the GPU?
As you've seen, gpuDevice() gives you information about your GPU. This is what I get for mine >> gpuDevice() ans = CUDA...

2 years ago | 0

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process based parpool: keep the data in the workers
Parfor is great, it auto-parallelises for us and takes care of a lot of things like data transfer to/from workers and so on. At ...

2 years ago | 0


Linear Algebra in MATLAB: Trying out AMD’s AOCL
In R2022a, MathWorks started shipping AMD’s AOCL alongside Intel’s MKL in MATLAB.  This article explains what these are and...

2 years ago



R2022a was MathWorks biggest release ever
Every day, over 5000 MathWorkers start their work day thinking ‘How can I contribute to the acceleration of engineering and...

2 years ago



[6 3 7 8 5 1 2 4 9 10] – or “A Story of Surprise About Randomness”
Back in late March, Tom Rhys Marshall discovered something about MATLAB’s handling of random numbers that he found both...

2 years ago



How to make a GPU version of this MATLAB program by changing two lines
In his article, A short game of Life, Steve Eddins showed us the following few lines of code that impemented Conway's game...

2 years ago


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