My function won't accept the vector
You can not specify 0 as an index x = 0:1:10; f = x.^2-x-1

1 year ago | 1

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stacked figure from text file
A=horzcat((1:10)',randi(20,10,1),randi(100,10,1)); figure(4); plot (A(:,1),A(:,2),'-o', 'LineWidth',1, 'Color', [0 0.4470 0.74...

2 years ago | 0

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Finding index in a set
one approach: x1 = [0 , 0, 1, 0]; x2 = [0, 0, 0, 0]; % [value I]=find(x1==1); b=perms(x1); [row,col,v] = find(b(:,3)); b(r...

2 years ago | 0

How to get back real value after rounding
a=[3.3 0.5]; round_vector=round(a) c=a-round_vector; origin_vector=round_vector+c

2 years ago | 0

Having this problem second time can anyone help?
a=1.1; b=0.09; % x(1)=1.16; % x(2)=1.32; % x(3)=1.47; % x(4)=1.65; % x(5)=1.93; x=[1.16;1.32;1.47;1.65;1.93]; % y=(l...

2 years ago | 0

Removing Variables From a Cell Array
x = {2 4 3+5*1i NaN 6 9.8 'Hello' 11 -3 -4+6*1i}; x(cellfun(@(x) any(isnan(x)),x)) = [] y = {NaN NaN -7 8 0 4.5 1i 15 'how are...

2 years ago | 0

Assembling Global Stiffness Matrix
% creating stiff matrix for i=1:20 stiff{i}=randi(100,4,4); end k1=stiff(1); k2=stiff(2); k3=stiff(3); k4=stiff(4);...

2 years ago | 0

How do I average columns in cell array if some cells are empty?
you are asking the same question several times. your cell array "new_mat". giving an answer to your previous question: https://...

2 years ago | 0

How do I convert a cell array with multiple values per cell into a numerical array with multiple rows?
The dimension of the 4th Column of your cell array is 4x1, but the rest of your cell array is 5x1. a=load("split_newdata_mean.m...

2 years ago | 0

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Insert numeric values (rx1 matrix) inside a cell
a=randi(100,157,2); b=randi(200,189,2); c=randi(300,183,2); mat={a;b;c} % making a cell array % rep = repmat(100,157,1); m...

2 years ago | 0

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How to locate the index of a certain date for a date-time array?
I don't have your data. try this one: % creating datetime data from 1st January 2017 to 31 December 2017 firstdate = '01-01-20...

2 years ago | 0

How to import odd and even rows from a more than one txt file ?
try this: textfiles = dir('*.txt'); numfiles = length(textfiles); mydata = cell(1, numfiles); for k = 1:numfiles mydata...

2 years ago | 0

How to remove empty space after legend?
you can change your lengend location to "northwest" or "Southeast" legend(LegendInfo, 'Location', 'northwest', 'fontname', 'Tim...

2 years ago | 0

Finding a value of one vector based on the nonzero values of another vector
A = [2 5 1 4]; B = [0 1 0 1]; [I C]=find(B==1); output=A(C)

2 years ago | 0

[Ask Help] - Convert Negative Commas Decimal into Single Binary
data = [1.295175 -0.021158 -0.274017]; data(data<0)=0; data(data>1)=1

2 years ago | 0

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Black Jack input and output
try this: a=[9 13]; output_1=check_possibilities(a) b=[23 34]; output_2=check_possibilities(b) c=[9 20 19 22]; output_3=ch...

2 years ago | 0

MATLAB maximum value under a certain value
a=[ 23, 19, 12,18,30,17,20,28,21,65,22,31]; b=a(a>=17 & a<=21) % elements between greater equal 17 and smaller equal 21 maxi...

2 years ago | 0

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I am having this error, could you help?
try this: a=1.6; b=0; % x(1)=1.28; % x(2)=1.36; % x(3)=2.47; % x(4)=3.68; % x(5)=4.56; x=[1.28;1.36;2.47;3.68;4.56];...

2 years ago | 0

How to save the output of each loop in .csv file?
if your "result " is in matrix form, then try this result=randi(100,100,20); % making text files for j=1:size(result,2) col=...

2 years ago | 1

how to extract subset from dataset?
a=readtable("NF.xlsx"); aa=find(strcmp(a.Attack,'DDoS')); aaa=a(aa,:)

2 years ago | 0

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drawing a point in the graph
x = 1:5; y = 20:24; plot(x,y,x(3),y(3),'*') % specify a marker symbol * in index 3 of y please follow this for more informati...

2 years ago | 0

Plot 2 columns in matrix depend on another column
Data=[ 20 10 80 805 82.1420812600000 20 10 80 815 82.5962426700000 20 10 80 825 83.0389831800000 20 10 80 835 83.46999082000...

2 years ago | 0

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Vertcat, I think I need to have consistent rows and columns, erroring out on B matrix creation. Can anyone show me how to make this correct?
try this: a=3; b=13; c=0; rG2a=a/2; rG3a=b/2; omega2=2000*2*pi/60; %rad/s alpha2=0; W2=1; W3=.5; W4=.2; I2=.002; I3=...

2 years ago | 2

How do I substract like variables from each other
one approach: a=readmatrix("Book1.xlsx"); b= datetime(a,'ConvertFrom','excel'); % b(:,3)=b(:,2); for i=1:size(b,1)-1 if...

2 years ago | 0

How to get readcell to read leading empty columns and rows in spreadsheet
please refer to this answer:

2 years ago | 0

how to remove empty cells from a cell array
a=load("cellArray.mat"); A=a.I; checkemptycell = any(~cellfun('isempty',A), 1); output = A(:,checkemptycell)

2 years ago | 0

How to copy each column to other file faster?
mainfile=readtable('MainData.xlsx'); outputfile=readtable('Output.xlsx'); C=cell(size(mainfile,2),1); for i=1:size(mainfile,2...

2 years ago | 0

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Rounding down when doing division in Matlab
use ceil function: a=ceil(1/7) b=ceil(2/7) c=ceil(7/7) d=ceil(8/7)

2 years ago | 0

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code that would identify the identical rows
a=table2array(readtable("file.txt")); output=unique(a,'rows','stable')

2 years ago | 0

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delete some matrix values
A = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]; B=A(A<7)

2 years ago | 0

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