Generating ROS Custom Action Service Messages in R2021a
Hello Wesley, In R2020a and before, custom actions were not officially supported for ROS Toolbox. It's noted in the documentati...

4 years ago | 0

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MATLAB ros 3D visualizing in real time
Hello Eirik, You can create a ROS subscriber for the PointCloud2 topic, and in the callback have it update a scatter3 plot show...

4 years ago | 0

Receive data from ros2 /scan topic does not work, while it is possible for /odom and /cmd_vel topic
Hello Bernd, There are two main culprits that I always look at first when there is difficulty communicating in ROS 2, but there...

4 years ago | 0

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Generate custom ROS messages in Matlab running on Windows using Cmake from Ubuntu install on WSL2
Hello Eric, You will need CMake installed on your Windows system, along with Visual Studio 2017 and Python 2.7. It's unlikely t...

4 years ago | 1

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MATLAB freezes the OS when using java environments: a Fatal Java Exception occurs (Resource temporarily unavailable)
I assume that you are using SSH with X11 forwarding to work with MATLAB on a remote machine? I would recommend against doing tha...

4 years ago | 0

Would I able to load a Gazebo world as a training model into rlSimulinkEnv function ?
Hello Jen-Yu, Loading a Simulink model that simulates a robot is very different than loading a Gazebo world. There is currently...

4 years ago | 0

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how to generate the custom message
This is the same issue as here. Please see that question and this one for more folder structure details. -Cam

4 years ago | 0

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Error ros.ro2.internal.createOrGetLocalpython
Hello Nikhil, There are two issues happening here. The first is that there is something stopping some of your root Python libra...

4 years ago | 0

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Fail to create custom message rosgenmsg in Matlab 2020b
Hello Van, You are providing the "package directory" to rosgenmsg, when it is looking for the "interfaces directory". This is b...

4 years ago | 0

Error when running rosgenmsg for control_msgs
Hello Bassem, Based on the error, it seems that the ROS custom message support package did not install properly. I would recomm...

4 years ago | 0

Return all values of a struct parameter within a cell array.
Hello Gregory, Matt J's way works, by creating multiple struct arrays, working your way down the nested fields. It's functional...

4 years ago | 0

Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
Hello Andreas, This may be because you have conflicting libraries on your platform's library path. It may be related to this bu...

4 years ago | 0

An issue with subscribing to custom messages from ROS network
Hello Nima, Issues with ROS communication between machines, especially if messages can be received from one machine but not the...

4 years ago | 1

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Simulink fails to create ROS subscriber
Hello Johan, This may be because you have conflicting libraries on your platform's library path. It may be related to this bug,...

4 years ago | 1

Speedgoat machine and ROS
Hello Jihyik, For the standard question of "Can I deploy a Simulink ROS node to _____ hardware?" the answer is usually the same...

4 years ago | 1

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rosactionclient failure due to version mismatch
I realize this question is from a while ago, but I wanted to put in an answer to catch anyone else running into the same problem...

4 years ago | 0

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downloadPretrainedPointPillarsNet help
Hello Gustavo, I believe that command isn't a standard function in MATLAB, it's a helper provided with the example. You'll need...

4 years ago | 0

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Unrecognized function or variable 'asbQuadcopterStart'.
Aerospace Toolbox and Aerospace Blockset are two different products. That example is in Aerospace Blockset, which does not appea...

4 years ago | 1

rosgenmsg error in line333 MATLAB2020b
Hello Holden, You are providing the "package" folder to rosgenmsg, when instead it requires the parent folder of that. This is ...

4 years ago | 0

Can lost time when using 'waitfor(rate)' function be used for other tasks?
Hello Mohan, Generally the way to use rosrate is to put it at the end of a "control loop" - code that you execute every iterati...

4 years ago | 0

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Robotic Arm Trajectory Animation Using Robotic Toolbox
Hello Ahmetcan, The configuration solution output of calling the inverseKinematics object defaults to being a struct. If you wa...

4 years ago | 0

[Robotics Playground Toolbox Add-on] Error Message When Using Distance Sensor Block
Hello Benjamin, robotics.OccupancyGrid is the old name for the occupancyMap object. It is a valid alias, so if you try to use r...

4 years ago | 1

Why does the ROS MATLAB connection via topic receive command (ROS-Toolbox) not work in R2020a but in R2020b
Hello Oliver, The most common reason for being able to see rostopic, but not being able to receive messages from one or other o...

4 years ago | 1

Populating ros messages is slow
Hello Mauro, Cause of Performance Issues Accessing Nested Messages (pre-R2020b) Based on your other question, I assume you ar...

4 years ago | 2

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Importing ROS bag file of LIDAR scan into Matlab as point cloud structure
So you have the XYZ points from the PointCloud2 message after you use readXYZ, and you want to get it in the format of the point...

4 years ago | 0

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Matlab Ros Gazebo Add force to Ball
Hello Philipp, There is an issue with the specific service definition that is used in that call command. We are working on a re...

4 years ago | 0

MATLAB2020b/ROS interface - Unrecognized function or variable 'pythonPkgSrc'
Hello all, Here is the bug report published for this issue. This issue is fixed in R2020b Update 2, so installing that or later...

4 years ago | 1

Error when trying to view a variable
Hey David, I have a suspicion that there is either a variable in your workspace, or a function/script in your current folder/pa...

4 years ago | 0

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Moving object in a defined environment
That's not so much a question about "getting started" as it is about "doing a large project for me". Try breaking down the probl...

4 years ago | 0

ROS toolbox (ROS2 bag)
Hello Jesús, It is not possible to read data out of ROS 2 bag databases using R2020b. There is a lot of focus on ROS 2 now thou...

4 years ago | 1

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