How to split/segment csv file into multiple sections?
P = '.'; % absolute or relative path to where the file is saved F = fullfile(P,'test_file.csv'); O = detectImportOptions(F,'Va...

1 month ago | 1

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Matlab can't readtable on Mac, please help me.
"how i do like this, can you show me please, thank you." P = 'absolute or relative path to where the file is saved'; F = fullf...

1 month ago | 1

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How to produce an array that displays the common data values in other arrays?
A = [1,1,0;1,1,1;0,1,1] B = [1,0,1;0,1,0;1,1,1] C = [1,1,1;1,1,0;1,1,1] D = double(A & B & C)

2 months ago | 0

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Matlab code to delete contents of a subfolders
P = 'absolute or relative path to where the project folders are'; S = dir(fullfile(P,'**','Inputs','*.*')); for k = 1:nunel(S)...

2 months ago | 0

How to convert a 1x1 struct to double matrix (error using pan tompkin)?
"Originally, I didn't put the semicolon, I only added it because MATLAB error system recommended it. I did remove it and there's...

2 months ago | 1

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What is wrong with this code for finding out the number of significant digits after decimal?
The least unexpected number of non-zero fractional digits aka decimal places (limited to 15 significant figures of the binary fl...

2 months ago | 0

Not enough input arguments
"Why I can't get the values from matrix x in function MyInput() to use in another function?" Basically because you did not call...

2 months ago | 0

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Reading Multiple Excel Files, Analyzing and Indexing
Use indexing into the structure array that you already have (i.e. the output from DIR): P = 'absolute or relative path to where...

2 months ago | 0

there is no plotting appearance
"there is no plotting appearance" Because you are plotting exactly one data point. By default there PLOT shows lines (which con...

2 months ago | 0

Interpolating for multiple curves and finding the y axis value
Forget about having lots of separate variables in the workspace. Learn to use matrices! x = [0,7.1702,9.1995,9.5716,11.3641,12....

2 months ago | 0

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Change date from cell to number inside array
" How do I change it from a cell to a numeric format I can use?" Use the correct type of indexing: if itin_full{1,6}>=0.9 % ...

2 months ago | 0

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help using bsxfun to multiplay different size matrixes
tmp = bsxfun(@times, norm_mode, reshape(fields(:,3),1,1,[]))

2 months ago | 0

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Bar() very thin, does not respond to width argument
"I have a problem with Bar() function" No, you have a problem with ZEROS() function. In particular you have only specified ZERO...

2 months ago | 0

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How to validate that one datetime is greater than another
Do NOT convert to low-precision serial date numbers! Avoid deprecated DATENUM ! Argument validation lets you define your own va...

2 months ago | 1

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Matrix does not want to multiply and gives an error when I multiply a 3x3 matrix with a 3x1 matrix
Read the INV documentation! And then use the recommended function MLDIVIDE: A = [9, 29.3, 140.99; 29.3, 140.99,827.693; 140.99,...

2 months ago | 0

alternative of inline function
If you want a derivative, why are you using a function handle? Using symbolic toolbox would be simpler: syms x f = x^2-2*x g ...

2 months ago | 1

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Find minimum values based on unique number
P = load('matlab.mat').Prof_temp S = groupsummary(P,"Profile_num","min","Temp") plot(S.Profile_num,S.min_Temp)

2 months ago | 0

Spli cell array directly at the function output
If you can modify the function to return another output argument the size of the returned cell arrays is only known when they ...

2 months ago | 0

How to fix loop which over the determined index ?
"Hi guys, im trying to do looping ii 1:900 but why when u run it, it was never-ending loop." I already told you the reason why,...

2 months ago | 0

Duration type doesn't preserve seconds accuracy
"Duration type doesn't preserve seconds accuracy" That is exactly what CALENDARDURATION objects are for: format longg dt1 = d...

2 months ago | 0

Find min and max in groups
A = [12, 11, 12, 5, 3, 10, 5]; B = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]; X = 1:numel(A); Fmax = @(x){x(max(B(x))==B(x))}; Fmi...

2 months ago | 0

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Use save function with '-fromstruct' option to save a cell array
As the error message states, the structure must be scalar: test_file = 'test.mat'; files = {'test1.m', 'test2.m'}; T = ones(1...

2 months ago | 2

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How to write to csv file in shortG format?
Here is one approach that gives exactly the shortG format in your CSV file: format long G M = rand(3,5); M(1) = -6.0247123456...

3 months ago | 1

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I need help with an error I get
Perhaps the input argument should be F (not f): function [posicao, velocidade, aceleracao] = atleta(t, F, M)

3 months ago | 1

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When multiplying or dividing a vector by a scaler, when do you need a period before the operator?
"When multiplying or dividing a vector by a scaler, when do you need a period before the operator?" Lets consider multiplying. ...

3 months ago | 0

Observations being read as number of columns instead of rows
Perhaps because the data are (complex conjugate) transposed here: 'ValidationData', {stan_x_val', stan_y_val'}, Note that yo...

3 months ago | 1

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Need help figuring out why this nested function is not working
"File not found" You are not providing FOPEN and READMATRIX with the filepath, so they cannot find the file on your computer. P...

3 months ago | 0

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Can't seem to replace values in matrix meeting criteria, although the correct row,col coordinates are found
Use SUB2IND: idx = sub2ind(size(img),row,col); img(idx) = 1; The section "Indexing Matrices with Two Subscripts" here: https...

3 months ago | 0

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Compare two files and remove any lines in the second file when they match values found in the first file
lines1 = [1,2,3,4;2,4,6,7;2,5,7,8;6,7,4,6] lines2 = [2,4,6,7;2,5,7,8] out = setdiff(lines1,lines2,'rows')

3 months ago | 0

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A more efficient or compact way to sort strings that contain dates
a = [... '123_abc_01_202403020000_202403022359.txt'; '123_abc_01_202403040000_202403042359.txt'; '123_abc_01_2024...

3 months ago | 1

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