Insect population
An insect population doubles every generation.
* Write a while loop that iterates numGeneration times.
* Write a statment ...
9 years ago
Number of pennies
Complete the function ConvertToPennies() so that the function returns the total number of pennies given a number of dollars and ...
9 years ago
Travel speed
Write an anonymous function to compute the Euclidean distance given two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). Use the following equation...
9 years ago
Finding values in arrays
Assign numMatches with the number of elements in userValues that equal matchValue.
Ex: If matchValue = 2 and userVals = [2, ...
9 years ago
Find Missing Number
A little problem (inspired by CodeChef) for the coffee break.
A friend give you an array of size n-1 integers and these int...
9 years ago
Make visible max values
Make visible maximum values of rows
input = [1 2 3 4 5;
6 9 8 2 1;
2 1 4 5 8;
1 9 7 9 2];