How to know which m-file run?
1. Check from command History of matlab. OR 2. In all that files, open and put command "disp('filename')". so that it wil...

8 years ago | 0

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Help finding location of variable names
Hello Luis, Consider you have *LFHD.txt* file having 50,000 lines of code. Keep it in your current directory and run follo...

8 years ago | 0

Problem importing large text file (.txt) of data
Hello Marcus, Try using fopen() command instead of importdata() clear all; count = 1; fid = fopen('ascii_file.t...

8 years ago | 0

input and excel sheet and output a different one
Hello Michel, Create a GUI for the same. Add one Push Button, So that when you click on that Pushbutton, it will import the ...

8 years ago | 0

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Open an excel sheet after clicking a pushbutton in GUI
Hello Michel, Consider you have GUI " *Test.m*" and " *Test.fig*" files, along with your template " *ABC.xlsx*" file. ...

8 years ago | 1

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Save part of an array
Hello Sonarine, Try for this.. A = [1:10000]; for i = 1:length(A)/20 B(i,:) = A((i-1)*20+1:i*20); end to check t...

8 years ago | 0

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To create an array non rectangular, and replace -9.99e+08 by NaN
Hello Rapha alpha, Try for this code.. clear all; contador=1; fid = fopen('ascii_file.txt'); tline = fgetl(...

8 years ago | 0

After concatenation it is still not concatenated
Hello Anton, Try for this: LSB2 = [LSB1(w,1); LSB1(w,2); LSB1(w,3); LSB1(w,4)]

8 years ago | 0

Display default value in the edit box in MATLAB GUI
Hello Pankaja, You can do this, by creating new function in your code file (i.e. in .m file of your GUI). 1. Simply create...

8 years ago | 1

I want to display the results shown in command window by clicking push button
Hi Mania, In order to achieve your requirement, you have to do following changes: 1. In your function file (in which t...

8 years ago | 0

How plot Sin Wave in Axes of GUI MATLAB
Hello Widya, Your code is correct. I tried running same code and it is working fine and the result is as shown in below snaps...

8 years ago | 0

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Hello i am new to use matlab I have tried to creat a GUI but i faced a problem of understanding to code for example I want the user to enter two values through the edit box then clicking a push button it will calculate result.
Hello Gebreabzgi Pawlos, Its very simple. In your code, the variables "a", "b", "c" are acting as a local. You creating v...

8 years ago | 0

Can i set all text boxes to their default value by using only one command
Hello Mania, You can achieve your requirement, by creating new function in your code file (i.e. in .m file of your GUI). ...

8 years ago | 1

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How to use value entered in one edit text in another one?
Hi Kh wa, The problem in your tool is because of line ";" under aa_callback. See, when you are ty...

8 years ago | 0

How to determine if pushbutton/callback is pressed?
Hi Jan, Try for this: function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) handles.First = 1; handles.Second = ...

8 years ago | 1

how to name matfile from variable name
Hi Kev111, In your code, simply replace the line save('presetName'); with save(char(presetName)); and try..

8 years ago | 0

I want to display the results shown in command window by clicking push button.
Hi Mania, In order to achieve your requirement, you have to do following changes: 1. In your function file (in which the r...

8 years ago | 0

Problem in MATLAB GUI. Invalid or deleted object..
According to me, it seems like the function 'st_variogram_pooled(data_train)' is calculating the scale in numeric format, so the...

8 years ago | 0

Calling an m file from GUI, and using data in workspace
Hi Aniket, I understand your problem with handling GUI. First tell me, is your 'VVS_Function_15A.m' file is having fun...

8 years ago | 1

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i have to read a text file which contains 50 rows and 2 colums... 1 have to assign the 1st column into one variable and 2nd column to another variable.. what i have to do?
Data = importdata('<txt filename>'); Column1 = Data(:,1); Column2 = Data(:,2); You can also create your own script by p...

10 years ago | 1


What is mean by "Simulink.logging Info object could not be located because its class can not be found"?
Hello.. I have two versions of Matlab with me.. one is R2007b and another one is R2010b.. so sometime while loading the .mdl ...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0




Any reason, Why Matlab R2007b support fixdt(1,16) OR fixdt(0,16) but not Matlab R2010b?
Hello.. I was working on one of the fixed-point model on R2007b, which was having some of the data-objetcs with fixdt(0,8) an...

11 years ago | 0 answers | 0



How to get the source directory from command window?
The resolution is.. >>bdroot >>filename = strcat(bdroot, '.mdl') >>get_param(gcs, 'filename') Thanks.. :)

11 years ago | 0

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How to get the source directory from command window?
Hello friends, I have one simulink model opened in my matlab. I know the source directory of that model (.mdl file) and it is...

11 years ago | 3 answers | 0



ModelWorkpace disappear under model explorer on R2010bSP1
Hello.. I got resolution for this issue. gcb (block) dont have the parameter called systembound, So insteadof gcb I should...

11 years ago | 0

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What is the command to set "Window reuse = Reuse"?
File Menu >> Preferences >> Simulink >> Window Reuse How we can set this option to 'Reuse' from command window?

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0




ModelWorkpace disappear under model explorer on R2010bSP1
Hello, I am facing this issue on Matlab R2010bSP1. For my model When I am running script which is having one cammand called "...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0




How Can I set stateflow editor to FitToView using set_param() command which we normally do pressing spacebar???
Hello, I was creating script in which I need to include the command to set all subsystem and stateflow in fit in view format ...

12 years ago | 1 answer | 0

