Reading multiple .txt files and plotting a graph
% folder where your txt files are your_folder = '.'; % get info about all .txt files in your_folder (use 'S*.txt' instead %...

9 days ago | 1

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IF statement if == "A variable" not working
"The IF statement not working when I use IF == b, but works with IF = 99999" The behavior is not the same when using b vs when ...

10 days ago | 0

Error using / Matrix dimensions must agree app designer
Use ./ instead of / <>

10 days ago | 1

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Printing sentences using cell arrays
Here's a way to generate multiple random sentences at once: Names={'Harry','Xavier','Sue','Howard','Fred'}; % adding two names ...

10 days ago | 0

How to put existing figures in one figure together?
% open the fig files in two new figures f1 = openfig('fig1.fig','invisible'); f2 = openfig('fig2.fig','invisible'); % get t...

10 days ago | 0

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How to Get one Property of a Structure Array Using a Property on the Same Line
name = 'deuterium'; % name of the isotope you want the mass of idx = strcmp({},name); mass = isotopicMass...

10 days ago | 1

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how to use sprintf to an array ?
Yes, it is possible. However, your sprintf format specification has 5 formatting operators (all %d), but you only have 3 number...

10 days ago | 0

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I am having trouble reading textfile data into my app using uigetfile and readtable functions in appdesigner. Kindly assist
All of the IAA_1 app's properties that are passed to the second app (T_wout, T_win, Sr, etc.) are initially empty []. You can e...

10 days ago | 0

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How to filter table by variable ?
jointbase = jointbase(ismember(jointbase.VariantID,VariantIDPassed),:)

10 days ago | 0

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How to add a cumulative constant to all values on each row of a matrix, starting from the bottom row and ending at the top row?
c = 0.5; A = [1,2,3;1,2,3;1,2,3] One way: N = size(A,1); result = c*(N:-1:1).'+A Another way: N = size(A,1); result = cum...

11 days ago | 1

ls syntax for output variable with flags
% save a bunch of mat files x = 1; for i = 1:26 save([char(64+i) '.mat'],'x'); end % use multiple arguments to ls li...

12 days ago | 0

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One out of two of my tabs will not respond and update after initial run of data acquisition
I'm attaching an app that does kind of a simplified version of what I think your app is meant to do. You can select from multip...

12 days ago | 0

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How do I store all values of a loop in a vector?
x = zeros(1,100000); for i=1:100000 x(i)=randi(6)+randi(6); end

12 days ago | 0

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result is displayed in the same line
Use \n instead of /n. \n means new line; /n means literally /n.

12 days ago | 0

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How to convert X, Y, Z cartesian coordinates into a surface.
load('cone_data - Copy.mat'); Here's how the surface looks. This is using the matrices x_coords, y_coords, and z_coords. % a s...

12 days ago | 0

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Subplot x-axis
Remove axis equal. Shift the rectangles and texts to the left by 7. Increase the width of the x-limits by 1 (0.5 on each side), ...

13 days ago | 0

How to create for loop for calculating angle between 3 3D points?
p = data3D(1:3); % pt1 q = Coordinates; v = q-p; % vectors from pt1 to each point in Coordinates N = size(q,1); angles = z...

13 days ago | 0

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How to rewrite code without nested loops
% Prompt for user input r = input("Enter r: 0.0 to 4.0: "); x1 = input("Enter initial x: 0.0 to 1.0: "); N = 100; % numbe...

13 days ago | 0

Removing peaks less than threshold
Try using MinPeakHeight and/or MinPeakDistance in findpeaks, instead of MinPeakProminence. You'll likely be able to entirely avo...

13 days ago | 1

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Structure For loop: moving sections of one structure to another structure with indexing variables.
for Seg = 1:length(Segments) for Tri = 1:length(Trials) Col.(Trials{Tri}).(Segments{Seg}).a = IMU.(Segments{Seg})....

13 days ago | 0

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find function not working with double inequality
This is not the correct way to check multiple inequalities: indf = find(signal_freq-b<CenterFreqs<signal_freq+b); Instead do:...

13 days ago | 1

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I need to draw the annexed Excel draw with MATLAB code
x = [-5.5,-5,-4.5,-3.5,-2.5,-1.5,0,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,5,5.5]; y = [-0.002,-0.004,-0.005,-0.008,-0.008,-0.014,-0.014,-0.014,-0.008,...

13 days ago | 0

Omit nans from data set when calculating weights
You can use fillmissing to replace any NaN with 0, so that it doesn't contribute to the weighted sum. Give the resulting timeta...

13 days ago | 0

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After using "shading interp", the image will cover my satellite basemap. How to solve it?
Try applying the shading only to the pcolorm surface object: t=pcolorm(double(Latitude), double(Longitude), Precip_ZN, 'FaceCol...

13 days ago | 1

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How do I load in multiple datasets from multiple folders?
You can use * and/or ** wildcards in dir. Example: folder = 'absolute\or\relative\path\to\folder\3D\amplitude'; dir_str = f...

14 days ago | 0

Why does it skips the if part?
MATLAB doesn't ignore the if statement; the condition is never true. You can print the values of G(1,i) and G(1,i-1) with more ...

14 days ago | 0

How to dynamically change name of table?
One way to plot the table data for each cycle separately, without having to create a new table variable for each cycle, is to us...

14 days ago | 0

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How to scatter plot
"It is because my X is a 1x16 double and my Z is a 1x32 double." That's true. That is the problem. "When i do [X1,X2], it just...

14 days ago | 0

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Two y-Axes plot order and legend issue
With yyaxis, I don't think there is a way to set which axes' lines show up in front of the other. However, a workaround is to cr...

14 days ago | 0

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Want to extract the earliest date for each subject

15 days ago | 0

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