
Halder function
Find the halder function value of a number

8 years ago


find max
You are given an array number find the maximum

8 years ago


find minimum
find the minimum from an array

8 years ago


find sum of the numbers in array
calculate the sum of numbers in a given array

8 years ago


Find mean
given an array, find the mean of the number in that array

8 years ago


find the mean of all elements in a matrix
given a matrix, just find the mean of all elements in the matrix

8 years ago


find a specific element from an matrix
Find the element from matrix which is in 2nd row and 3rd column.

8 years ago


first element of matrix
find the first elements of a column matrix

8 years ago


find lenth of array
you have given an array, find the length of that.

8 years ago


Find subtraction
Given a, b. Find a-b

8 years ago


list of prime numbers
n is given find the largest prime number <=n

8 years ago


find square root of a positive real number
a number given, find the square root of that number

8 years ago


find "greatest common divisor" of two integer value
A function to find Greatest Common Divisor of two integer input E.G. x=-18 y=96 output should be +6 x=-18; y=96; >>your...

8 years ago


Find remainder when x is divided by 3
Find remainder when x is divided by 3

8 years ago


multiply an array by its position number
You have given an array. Multiply an array by its position number

8 years ago


Find qube root
Find the quberoot of 27

8 years ago


what is the circumference of the circle with radius r ???
Calculate the area of circle, radius r is given.

8 years ago


find the Area of a rectangle
length is x width is y what is the area of the rectangle?

8 years ago


iteration of N blank spot
we have N spot which can be blank o filled calculate the number of iteration for these spots. e.g. N=2 1- blank blank 2- bl...

8 years ago


Prime number removal
remove all prime numbers from the input e.g. input = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...

8 years ago


Calculating selling price
Cost of a Product is $x What should be the selling price if you want to gain 10%?

8 years ago


Calculating cost
You sold a Product at $x and gain 10% What was the cost of the product?

8 years ago


find 90-45
find 90-45

8 years ago


Want to solve this problem???????????????????
It depends on you whether u want to solve this problem or not....

8 years ago


modulus of a number
find the modulus of a given number

8 years ago


Project Euler: Problem 14, Longest Collatz sequence
The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers: n → n/2 (n is even) n → 3n + 1 (n is odd) U...

8 years ago


Kurchan Square - Evaluation Function
Evaluate a Kurchan square. An NxN square with values 1:N^2. Given a square matrix determine the products of each row, column,...

8 years ago


Find 1's Complement
Find 1's complement of a binary number For Example: x = 10011010 1's complement of x = 01100101

8 years ago


Index one element in each vector of an array along a given dimension
Functions like min and max can return in their second output argument the index of the element in each vector along a particular...

8 years ago


Project Euler: Problem 18, Maximum path sum I
By starting at the top of the triangle below and moving to adjacent numbers on the row below, the maximum total from top to bott...

8 years ago

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