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How to sum n lines of a matrix to another matrix?
n=2; TotalApit = reshape(sum(reshape(Apit,[n 102/n 5 1000])),[102/n 5 1000]);
6 years ago | 0
Determining the max angle from the cell array
This should do. Change |ncells| as desired. ncells = length(Ang_F1); max_edges_anglesR = max(angle(reshape(cell2mat(Ang...
6 years ago | 0
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what is the MATLAB function to evaluate ncr value when n is real
If |n| and |r| are both non-negative integers, and |n >= r|, use: nCr = nchoosek(n,r) If n and/or r can be negative, yo...
6 years ago | 2
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Multiplying two matrices of probabilities with different sizes.
I don't think there is anything wrong with your code. What is wrong is your interpretation of the outcome of multiplying your ma...
6 years ago | 0
Plot trajectory colorized according to the standard deviation
Plot your data as a |surface| with zero height. x = vector_of_latitudes; y = vector_of_longitudes; z = zeros(size(...
7 years ago | 0
picking maximum difference across entries of row vectors, Part 3
A = [NaN NaN 3 9 4 ; 1 100 NaN 34 12]; maxdiffs = max(sort(A,2),[],2) - min(sort(A,2),[],2);
7 years ago | 0
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Extract structure array elements into seperate matrix
No, that syntax won't work. If you want a one-liner, here's one alternative: extracted = cellfun(@(x) x(1,2), {data.datablo...
7 years ago | 0
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How can I find columns with all zeros in my matrix?
cols_with_all_zeros = find(all(A==0)); % all zeros cols_with_3_nonzeros = find(sum(A~=0)==3); % exactly 3 non-zeros
7 years ago | 3
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Finding the first element of a 1-D array that yields a negative result.
x = normrnd(0,1,[1,20]); % generate 20 random numbers y = x(find(x<0,1)); % assign the first negative random value to y
7 years ago | 0
How to multiply matrices using a for loop
p = rand(4,1); % 4x1 vector P = rand(4,4); % 4x4 matrix pstar = 10; while p(1)<pstar % stop multiplying if p(1) reach...
7 years ago | 0
Find unique in matrix of x,y coordinates
Did you try this? [C,IA] = unique(A,'rows'); |C| contains all unique rows of |A|. |IA| contains the indices of the rows...
7 years ago | 0
How do I create a for loop for the this example?
You can use |eval|. Something like this should work, although you need to take care of saving your variables at the end of each ...
7 years ago | 0
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How to sample Multinomial Distribution
It is difficult to read your question. Please use underscore to separate your variable names from subscripts. Here's a solution ...
7 years ago | 1
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How to plot 3d line on fit function?
You need to use |hold on|. For example, x = rand(100,1); y = rand(100,1); z = x.^2 + y; sf = fit([x, y],z,'poly...
7 years ago | 0
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Element by Element Subtraction
|minus| operator in Matlab can inherently handle this, so you don't need a loop. Checkout >> |help minus|. For your case, some...
7 years ago | 0
how to change Function value intiialization? mine is start with 0. i want start with -1
f = zeros(1,length(t)) - 1;
7 years ago | 0
Edit/deleted the question
You need to read this article on indexing: <
7 years ago | 0
quadprog 'trust-region-reflective' algorithm error
As you said, _the only limit to the use of this algorithm is that only equality constraints or bound constraints can be used but...
7 years ago | 1
Sorting from the maximum value to minimum value in a vector
A=[2 5 8 7 8 9 3 7 6 5 4 1]; Asorted = sort(A,'descend'); % sorted from max to min [~,indx] = unique(Asorted); equalp...
7 years ago | 1
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Setting similar scale for two graphs
You need to use |plot(x,y)| instead of |plot(y)|, where |x| is the vector of x-values at which you want to plot |y|. For example...
7 years ago | 0
ANOVAN with possibility of matrix as an input (columns as the variables)
The complex syntax of |anovan| allows you to handle the case of unbalanced data. Since you have the same number of observations ...
7 years ago | 0
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One-tailed test using the ranksum function
Your premise that "we should always get h=0, irrespective of the value of ‘alpha’" is not correct. Please see the definition of...
7 years ago | 0
Plot det(matrixA - (x * eye(3))) where x = 0:3
You want to do this for each value of |x|, so |x| must be treated as a scalar, not as a vector. A = rand(3); % do for some ...
7 years ago | 0
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Why am I getting such a large number on the initial iteration?
The problem is that you are overwriting the variable |n| inside the loop, so it changes value from |100| to |10|. Changes: ...
7 years ago | 0
row of all 8’s
N = 10; X = ones(N); % create a matrix of 1s X = [X(1:N-3,:) ; 8*ones(1,N) ; X(N-2:end,:)]; % add a row of 8s between (N...
7 years ago | 0
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working out acceleration from 2 matrices- HELP
It is not correct to put a |0| when you don't know the value of acceleration. Instead, you should define a new vector of time po...
7 years ago | 0
How can I make an array of handles?
You don't need an array of handles to do that. You can use arrayfun like this: x = 1:5; y = 5; z = arrayfun(@(x,y) 3*...
7 years ago | 0
Adding noise to EEG dataset
I assume you're getting an error in this line: X = dataset + 2*randn(size(t)); because |dataset| is an |N x 2| array, wh...
7 years ago | 0
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Multiplying part of vector with another vector repeatedly without for loop
Try using |repmat|: s = sequence(:).*repmat(carrier(:),N,1); % N is the no.of 10-element segments in 'sequence'
7 years ago | 0
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How can I deal with missing data ?
What kind of calculations are you doing? For basic operations such as |sum|, |mean|, |std|, |max|, |median| etc., you can use...
7 years ago | 0