How to Ignore the last line from a file read
s=readmatrix(filename); s(any(isnan(s),2),:)=[]; figure plot3(s(:,1),s(:,2),s(:,3),'*-r')

4 years ago | 0

How can you extract odd and even rows and columns from image to seperate image outputs
B=A(2:2:size(A,1),2:2:size(A,2),:);%Even Pixels Only C=A(1:2:size(A,1),1:2:size(A,2),:);%Odd Pixels Only

4 years ago | 0

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gpuArray for vpa (variable precision arithmetic)
In this case you are going to have to sacrifice something, if you use VPA the matrices become symbolic, therefore all the operat...

4 years ago | 0

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Create an RGB Image using a loop by choosing a random color for each pixel
no te sirve así? for i=1:10 imagen=uint8(randi(255,10,10,3)); figure imshow(imagen) end

4 years ago | 0

inserting vectors into another new vector
A=[7 17 27 35]; B=[13 22 30 15]; N = max(numel(A),numel(B)); C=[A nan(1,N-numel(A)); B nan(1,N-numel(B))]; C(isnan(C))=[] C...

4 years ago | 1

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How do I plot one 3D vector arrow for all points in a 3d scatter
% creating 3d scatter plot % Load data T = table((rand(100,3))); T = [table(T.Var1(:,1),'VariableNames',{'A'}),table(T.Var1(...

4 years ago | 0

Represent the result of matrices manipulation as rational numbers
format rat A = [ 1/2 1/3 ; 4 5/6] B = [ 2 1/4 ; 4 1 ] C = A+B

4 years ago | 0

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How would I only save variables in a list to a matlab no recursively?
n=5;%signal1 .... signal5 signallist=split(num2str(1:n,'signal%i ')); filename='here.mat'; save(filename,signallist{:})

4 years ago | 0

Help with creating a different type of pareto chart?
Y=[ 81 15 21 38 38 21 31 27 22 135 55 24 54 66 97 11 117 332 140 34 456 4...

4 years ago | 1

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Move to next selection
so you don't need to place an else in the first: choice = menu("Do you want to see the opening times of this recycling centre?...

4 years ago | 0

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How to read multiple video from a folder....?
s=dir('*.avi'); files={}; for k=1:numel(files) v= VideoReader(files{k}); j=0; while %condition %yourcodehere en...

4 years ago | 0

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How do I produce a plot as a line, not just single points?
solution: figure; %hold on; deltaH=-20; R=0.001987; T1=305; Kc1=1000; T=300:10:600; Kc=Kc1.*exp(-(deltaH/R).*((1./T)-(...

4 years ago | 0

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How to save output from loops into matrix w/o using vector input?
test it %% Load Matlab Directory myFolder = pwd; % Wherever you want. filePattern = fullfile(myFolder, '*.mat*') theFiles =...

4 years ago | 0

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My code keeps saying the variable u appears to be changing as well as index exceeds the number of array elements(1). Could someone help me with this
correction: L = 1 % length of domain in x direction tmax = 10 % end time nx = 11 % number of nodes in x direction nt = 1...

4 years ago | 0

Difference between "mesh" plot and "plot3" graphs
The main notable difference is that mesh draws a three-dimensional surface while plot3 only draws three-dimensional lines, you c...

4 years ago | 1

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Sum two arrays using logical indices
Could it be that way? : a (or (a_logical, b_logical)) + b (or (a_logical, b_logical))

4 years ago | 0

saving to cell2mat without overwriting
x = B(:,2) A=[]; for i=3: length(B) y = B(:,i) [fitresult, gof] = createFit(x, y) A=[A cell2mat(struct2cell(gof))] end

4 years ago | 0

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How can I use Textbox input from GUI in a separate script?
you can simply call the function at the end, without the extension .m and it must be in the same folder of the graphical interfa...

4 years ago | 0

why save '.mat' as 'ascii' file appears as FILE instead of txt
because the computer has to be guided by the file extension to know what each thing is, all the .mat files are going to open wit...

4 years ago | 0

How to swap array element from two arrays conditionally
C=A; C(B~=0)=B(B~=0) also could help you: C=max(A,B)

4 years ago | 1

Reading in data from files in for loop
%var def% lopoff = 1034; %initial data point sample_stopcount = 41000; %last data point folder = uigetdir('C:\Users\me\Docume...

4 years ago | 0

feval problem Too many inputs to inline function.
a=0 b=2 y=5 x=1/2 f1=inline('(1+x^2)/(sqrt(x)+3)') f2=inline('(1+x^2)/(sqrt(x)+3)') f3=inline('(1+x^2)/(sqrt(x)+3)') f4=i...

4 years ago | 0

How can i locate where two column values are the same in a row?
a=[1 2 3 4 4 4 4]; s=find([diff(a) 1]==0,1,'first')

4 years ago | 0

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Add a command for unique permutations
you can make list = unique (InitialPopulation (60,3), 'rows') but it would no longer be 60 in size On the other hand if y...

4 years ago | 0

How to copy the last row on matrix that varies with input

4 years ago | 0

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Find the unique pair of coordinates in matrix and depending on the distance matrix, retain the minimum distance matrix and replace the other coordinate pair by NaN
a solution: [uv,~,idx] = unique(R,'rows'); v = accumarray(idx,distance,[],@min); eliminate=~ismember([R distance],[uv v],'ro...

4 years ago | 0

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weight and bias values i get from trained neural network is mistake?
It is not the same because Matlab does a normalization procedure of the variables so if you want to do it manually it would be l...

4 years ago | 0

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How to find length of the ROI?
Assuming it is a Rectangular one, then it depends on what you call length in a rectangle, the ROI is defined by 4 values [xmin, ...

4 years ago | 0

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Is anyone able to remove the display part of this function?
clear; close all; clc; xy = [ 3 12 10 8 11 14 13 16 9 19 1 15 2 4 6 1 11 3 16 5 14 17 19 18 ]; xy = xy'; ...

4 years ago | 1

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