
Create a dictionary
The goal is to write a function that returns a dictionary from a list of words or phrases and their definitions. Here is an exam...

4 months ago


Pairwise Euclidean Distance
Given two matrices A,B of dimensions NxK and NxL respectively, calculate the pairwise euclidean distance of all vectors (columns...

4 months ago


Estimating Euler's (Oi-ler-z) Number
Euler's number is an irrational constant given by Starting with x=0, count the number of times you can add a uniformly distrib...

4 months ago


The Birthday Phenomenon
First off, leap years are not being considered for this. In fact the year that people are born shouldn't be taken into considera...

4 months ago


Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday.
Calculate the probability that at least two people in a group share the same birthday. Given an integer input n, return to 0.015...

4 months ago


Bullseye Matrix with Zeros
Inspired by Problem 18, create a bullseye matrix with the addition of padding equal to 0 between concentric rings. Matrices are ...

4 months ago


nxn matrix with elements from 1:n^2
really simple once you see what the matrix is supposed to look like. i appreciate what seems to be a clever approach to solving ...

4 months ago


Determine if a number is a cool number
A number is considered cool if it is 3 digits, has a 5 in it, and is divisible by 4.

4 months ago


Palindrome String
Determine if the inputted string is a palindrome. That is, the string is the same forwards as it is backwards. For example: ...

4 months ago


Basic Matlab Operation Bonanza
Given a horizontal array of numbers, perform the following operations, in order: transpose, flip matrix horizontally, flip matri...

4 months ago


Find Rows with Specift Properities
Delete rows with specific properites as following: Find rows that have a negative value in any element of the row and delete it...

4 months ago


Determine pressure altitude using field elevation and altimeter setting
Given an airfield's elevation in feet (ft) and the current altimeter setting in inches of mercury (inHg), calculate the pressure...

4 months ago


Calculating distance of lightning based on time delay
If we know the time delay between when we see lightning and hear thunder then we can calculate approximate distance(in meters) o...

4 months ago


Draw '5' in Chinese.
Draw a x-by-x matrix '五' using 1s and 0s. Example: x=5 ans= [1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1] x=7...

4 months ago


Compute the sum of distances from a point to the sides of an equilateral triangle
Write a function to compute the sum of the (shortest) distances from a point inside an equilateral triangle to the sides of the ...

4 months ago


Summation of Non Zeros Numbers in String Variable
Find the Summation of Non Zeros Numbers in String Variable The input : x = '100205' The Output : y = 8

4 months ago


Remove a specific row with max value
Remove the row that contain the max value in the matrix?

4 months ago


Remove a specific row with min value
Remove the row that contain the min value in the matrix?

4 months ago


Remove a specific column with max value
Remove the column that contain the max value in the matrix?

4 months ago


Round up to π

4 months ago


Identify eban numbers

4 months ago


Beam me up, Scotty!
It's the mid 22nd century. You, Montgomery Scott, are appointed the chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise. The Starship is...

4 months ago


Most Frequent Word - 01
Given a document file or a character array, find out the most frequent word in that document. In the case of multiple words -...

4 months ago


Remove duplicated vertices
First input V_in is a vertices list (X Y Z coordinates) which may contain duplicata (identical rows). Second input T_in is th...

4 months ago


List every vertices neighbor indices
Input T is a < triangulation>. The purpose of this function is to ...

4 months ago


Build edges list
Input T is a triangulation connectivity indices list (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vert...

4 months ago


Find neighbor triangle indices
First input T is a triangulation (triplet list of indices -positive integers-, each index refering to a vertex number in a corre...

4 months ago

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