how to use two for loop in one matlab program
You should read this: You cannot write v(z)(...

6 years ago | 0

How to solve: Error using "csvread". Too many output arguments
As the error says, you are requesting two many outputs arguments. The function 'csvread' only returns one output.

6 years ago | 0


Simulink Serial Receive, Selection of communication port
Hi, From the help of this component:

6 years ago | 1 answer | 0



How to solve a 2D PDE with backward Euler?
At line 58, you are trying to access the 11th element of the Number matrix, but its dimensions are 10 x 10, so you get an error....

6 years ago | 0

| accepted

Appending data with different sizes
The easiest way would be the following something like this: a = [1 2 3]; b = [4 5 6 7]; n=size(b,2) a_bis=[a zeros(1,n)]; c...

6 years ago | 0

help regarding controllability of input matrix
Is the matrix V completely free ? If you can actually add any input to your system, why don't you simply define C = eye(3) ...

6 years ago | 0

I need to view frequency spectrum with 50 kHz, 100 kHz and 150 kHz only of a time a signal (x) with 2000 kHz sampling frequency.How to do ?
Can you give more details about your problem ? Do these answers help you ?

6 years ago | 0

where is the error ?
In the command line, where you defined v, call the function this way: >> v= [1 2 3 ;4 5 6]; >> mini(v)

6 years ago | 0

Modbus TCP/IP localhost
This was a firewall issue. Ubuntu has a built-in firewall that one can deactivate using this solution: <

6 years ago | 0

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Matlab to Python ( dot product and dot divide equivalents )
Please refer to: or

6 years ago | 0

Forced step response of a signal
You can set the initial values of the step using stepDataOptions: <>...

6 years ago | 0

Help with animating a line correctly
Is this what you're looking for: %This for loop is what does the drawing for idx = 1:length(t) figure(1); clf; ...

6 years ago | 1

| accepted

Calling Maple from Matlab
_Maple_ is not a built-in function that you can call in matlab. If you have installed Maple on your computer, you can launch ...

6 years ago | 0


Modbus TCP/IP localhost
Hi, I would like to set up a modbus communication using TCP/IP. In order to test it, I wanted to set the communication bet...

6 years ago | 1 answer | 0



Addition of two unequal matrices
You cannot compute A+B. You can only compute the sum for each column: A+B ans = 2 1 1 1 1 ...

6 years ago | 0

find eigenvalues of a very large sparse matrix
Dod you have a look at _eigs_ ? <>

6 years ago | 1

Verification problem-absolute/relative error
Are you working with floating point numbers? Have a look here: <>

6 years ago | 0

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Using an existing vector in a .M file
Does this discussion <> answer your question ?

6 years ago | 0

How to extract a specific value from a loop.
_t_ is your time variable, so you have to use it to test if it's equal to 2seconds. if t==2 % assumes your time units i...

6 years ago | 0

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Plotting a signal between 8 and 15 sec
What is the problem exactly? You have your signal u 3001x1, with a sampling time of 10ms. It means that u(1) is the value of...

6 years ago | 0

Binary to decimal - 8 bits at a time
You can try something like this using _bin2dec_ : for i=1:8:numel(binary) decimal=bin2dec(num2str(binary(i:i+7))) ...

6 years ago | 2

| accepted

Compare two folders and write the matching files to the third folder
Have a look at the functions _dir_ and _exist_.

6 years ago | 0

I have this error, and I don't know how to solve it.Can someone help me please?
The problem is that _Tx_signal_ is not a vector but a matrix of size 1000 x 1000. From the help of _conv_ function: _C = c...

6 years ago | 0

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How to design LQR problem for tracking a reference output
You can use the < lqi> function.

6 years ago | 1

Retrieve data from uitable when user enters data
You should handle the deletion of the table properly as explained here: <

6 years ago | 1

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How to create sine wave from given square wave
You just have to find the frequency of your square wave, and then create a sin wave like in those examples: <https://fr.mathw...

6 years ago | 0

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rounding a column vector
Try this: temp=[273.9 274.1 274.5]; round(temp*2)/2 ans = 274.0000 274.0000 274.5000

6 years ago | 0

Decoding/reading this file
You can use textscan to load the text file.

6 years ago | 0

How could I translate this Python code to Matlab?
If you want to use your Python code into matlab, you can use: <> ...

6 years ago | 0

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vector equals to value in matrix
The three following expressions: any(eq(A,gg)) any(A==gg) any(eq(0.9997,gg)) are the same and equal to 1. What is your...

6 years ago | 0

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