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Angular velocity from quaternion array


AV = angvel(quat,dt,"frame") returns the angular velocity array from an array of quaternions, quat. The quaternions in quat correspond to frame rotation. The initial quaternion is assumed to represent zero rotation.


AV = angvel(quat,dt,"point") returns the angular velocity array from an array of quaternions, quat. The quaternions in quat correspond to point rotation. The initial quaternion is assumed to represent zero rotation.

[AV,qf] = angvel(quat,dt,fp,qi) allows you to specify the initial quaternion, qi, and the type of rotation, fp. It also returns the final quaternion, qf.


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Create an array of quaternions.

eulerAngles = [(0:10:90).',zeros(numel(0:10:90),2)];
q = quaternion(eulerAngles,'eulerd','ZYX','frame');

Specify the time step and generate the angular velocity array.

dt = 1;
av = angvel(q,dt,'frame') % units in rad/s
av = 10×3

         0         0         0
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743
         0         0    0.1743

Input Arguments

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Quaternions, specified as an N-by-1 vector of quaternion objects.

Time step, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Type of rotation, specified as "frame" or "point".

Initial quaternion, specified as a quaternion object.

Output Arguments

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Angular velocity, returned as an N-by-3 real matrix, where N is the number of quaternions in the quat argument. Each row of the matrix corresponds to an angular velocity vector.

Final quaternion, returned as a quaternion object. qf is the same as the last quaternion in the quat argument.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

See Also