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AUTOSAR Component Behavior

Configure runnable entities, events, and inter-runnable variables

The internal behavior of an AUTOSAR software component is implemented by a set of runnable entities (runnables). A runnable is a sequence of operations provided by the component that can be started by the AUTOSAR run-time environment. The component configures an event to activate each runnable – such as, a timing event, data received, a client request, a mode change, component startup or shutdown, or a trigger. Runnables can be interconnected using AUTOSAR inter-runnable variables (IRVs).

To configure an AUTOSAR runnable, create or identify a root-level Simulink® subsystem or function that implements a sequence of operations. The subsystem or function must generate an entry-point function in C code. Then create an AUTOSAR runnable and map the Simulink entry-point function to the AUTOSAR runnable. Use the AUTOSAR Dictionary and the Code Mappings editor or equivalent AUTOSAR property and map functions.

The steps to create an event that activates a runnable depend on the type of event. If the event relies on a communication interface, such as data received (sender-receiver) or client request (client-server), you must first configure the communication interface before configuring the event.


autosar.api.getAUTOSARPropertiesConfigure AUTOSAR software component elements and properties
autosar.api.getSimulinkMappingMap Simulink elements to AUTOSAR elements


AUTOSAR Runnable and Event Configuration

AUTOSAR Memory Configuration

AUTOSAR Parameter Configuration

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