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(DOS/UNIX) Import MATLAB cluster profile to Polyspace Server commands

Since R2021b



To avoid typing the full path to this command, add polyspaceroot\polyspace\bin to your PATH environment variable. Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace Server installation folder, for instance, C:\Program Files\Polyspace Server\R2024b.

polyspace-cluster-profile-manager -import-profile clusterProfile imports the cluster profile stored in clusterProfile to your Polyspace® Server product. This is equivalent to using the Cluster Profile Manager to import a profile. See Discover Clusters and Use Cluster Profiles (Parallel Computing Toolbox). Use this command to import a profile if you do not have access to the Cluster Profile Manager interface, for instance if you are on a server machine with no graphical interface.

Once you import a profile, you can offload a Polyspace analysis to a remote server by specifying only the name of the job scheduler with option -scheduler.



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When you enable the flag REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE in file matlabroot\toolbox\parallel\bin\, clients must use a cluster profile that contains the correct certificate to connect to the job scheduler. Here, matlabroot is the installation folder of the MATLAB® Parallel Server™ product, for example C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b.

After you configure the MATLAB Parallel Server cluster and create the certificate file, export the cluster profile and then import it to the Polyspace clients that you want to allow to connect to the job scheduler.

To create a certificate file, generate a shared secret file and then use that file to create the certificate. At the command line, navigate to matlabroot\toolbox\parallel\bin\ and run the createSharedSecret script to generate file mySecret.

createSharedSecret -file mySecret
Pass file mySecret to the generateCertificate script to create the certificate.
generateCertificate -secretfile mySecret -certfile clusterClientCert
The command generates a certificate file clusterClientCert.

Export the cluster profile by using the createProfile script. Specify the name of the cluster, the hostname of the machine where the job scheduler is running, and the path of the certificate file. For instance, if the job scheduler runs on a machine with hostname mjsHost, run this command:

createProfile -name clusterName -host mjsHost -certfile clusterClientCert -outfile mjsProfile
The command creates a cluster profile XML file mjsProfile. This XML file contains the certificate that the clients need to connect to the job scheduler.

Import the cluster profile mjsProfile to the client machine where you run the Polyspace Server product that offloads the analysis to the MATLAB Parallel Server cluster. On the machine where you run the Polyspace client, run this command:

polyspace-cluster-profile-manager -import-profile path/to/mjsProfile
The Polyspace client uses the imported cluster profile and can connect to the job scheduler. Once you import the profile, specify the cluster name with option -scheduler when you run a Polyspace Server analysis in -batch mode, for instance -batch -scheduler clusterName.

Input Arguments

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clusterName.settings XML file that you generate using the Cluster Profile Manager or the createProfile script located in the folder matlabroot\toolbox\parallel\bin. Here, matlabroot is the installation folder of the MATLAB Parallel Server product, for example C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2024b.

Example: myClusterName.settings

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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