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Fix License Error –4,0 When Running Polyspace


When you try to run Polyspace®, you get this error message:

License Error -4,0

Possible Cause: Another Polyspace Instance Running

You can open multiple instances of Polyspace, but you can only run one code analysis at a time.

If you try to run Polyspace processes from multiple windows, you will get a License Error –4,0 error.


Only run one analysis at a time, including any command-line or plugin analyses.

Possible Cause: Prior Polyspace Run in Simulink or MATLAB Coder

If you run Polyspace on generated code in the Simulink® user interface or in the MATLAB® Coder™ app, you can get a license error if you try to run a subsequent analysis in the Polyspace user interface. You get the error even if the previous run is over.


Run the subsequent analysis using the method that you used before, that is, in the Simulink user interface or MATLAB Coder app.

If you want to run the analysis in the Polyspace user interface, close Simulink or MATLAB Coder and then rerun the analysis.

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