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Fix Slow Build Process When Polyspace Traces Build


In some cases, your build process can run slower when Polyspace® traces the build.


Polyspace caches information in files stored in the system temporary folder, such as C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\Temp, in Windows®. Your build can take a long time to perform read/write operations to this folder. Therefore, the overall build process is slow.


You can work around the slow build process by changing the location where Polyspace stores cache information. For instance, you can use a cache path local to the drive from which you run build tracing. To create and use a local folder ps_cache for storing cache information, use the advanced option -cache-path ./ps_cache.

  • If you trace your build from the Polyspace user interface, enter this flag in the field Add advanced configure options.

  • If you trace your build from the DOS/ UNIX® or MATLAB® command line, use this flag with the polyspace-configure command.

For more information, see polyspace-configure.

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