Propose Fixed-Point Data Types Based on Simulation Ranges
This example shows how to propose fixed-point
data types based on simulation range data using the codegen
To complete this example, you must install the following products:
Fixed-Point Designer™
C compiler
See Supported Compilers.
You can use
mex -setup
to change the default compiler. See Change Default Compiler.
Create a New Folder and Copy Relevant Files
In a local, writable folder, create a function
.function y = ex_2ndOrder_filter(x) %#codegen persistent z if isempty(z) z = zeros(2,1); end % [b,a] = butter(2, 0.25) b = [0.0976310729378175, 0.195262145875635, 0.0976310729378175]; a = [1, -0.942809041582063, 0.3333333333333333]; y = zeros(size(x)); for i = 1:length(x) y(i) = b(1)*x(i) + z(1); z(1) = b(2)*x(i) + z(2) - a(2) * y(i); z(2) = b(3)*x(i) - a(3) * y(i); end end
Create a test file,
, to exercise theex_2ndOrder_filter
algorithm.To cover the full intended operating range of the system, the test script runs the
function with three input signals: chirp, step, and impulse. The script then plots the outputs.% ex_2ndOrder_filter_test % % Define representative inputs N = 256; % Number of points t = linspace(0,1,N); % Time vector from 0 to 1 second f1 = N/2; % Target frequency of chirp set to Nyquist x_chirp = sin(pi*f1*t.^2); % Linear chirp from 0 to Fs/2 Hz in 1 second x_step = ones(1,N); % Step x_impulse = zeros(1,N); % Impulse x_impulse(1) = 1; % Run the function under test x = [x_chirp;x_step;x_impulse]; y = zeros(size(x)); for i = 1:size(x,1) y(i,:) = ex_2ndOrder_filter(x(i,:)); end % Plot the results titles = {'Chirp','Step','Impulse'} clf for i = 1:size(x,1) subplot(size(x,1),1,i) plot(t,x(i,:),t,y(i,:)) title(titles{i}) legend('Input','Output') end xlabel('Time (s)') figure(gcf) disp('Test complete.')
Type | Name | Description |
Function code | ex_2ndOrder_filter.m | Entry-point MATLAB function |
Test file | ex_2ndOrder_filter_test.m | MATLAB script that tests
ex_2ndOrder_filter.m |
Set Up the Fixed-Point Configuration Object
Create a fixed-point configuration object and configure the test file name.
fixptcfg = coder.config('fixpt'); fixptcfg.TestBenchName = 'ex_2ndOrder_filter_test';
Set Up the C Code Generation Configuration Object
Create a code configuration object to generate a C static library. Enable the code generation report.
cfg = coder.config('lib');
cfg.GenerateReport = true;
Collect Simulation Ranges and Generate Fixed-Point Code
Use the codegen
function to convert the floating-point MATLAB function, ex_2ndOrder_filter
to fixed-point C code. Set the default
word length for the fixed-point data types to 16.
fixptcfg.ComputeSimulationRanges = true; fixptcfg.DefaultWordLength = 16; % Derive ranges and generate fixed-point code codegen -float2fixed fixptcfg -config cfg ex_2ndOrder_filter
analyzes the floating-point
code. Because you did not specify the input types for the ex_2ndOrder_filter
the conversion process infers types by simulating the test file. The
conversion process then derives ranges for variables in the algorithm.
It uses these derived ranges to propose fixed-point types for these
variables. When the conversion is complete, it generates a type proposal
View Range Information
Click the link to the type proposal report for the ex_2ndOrder_filter
function, ex_2ndOrder_filter_report.html
The report opens in a web browser.
View Generated Fixed-Point MATLAB Code
generates a fixed-point version
of the ex_2ndOrder_filter.m
function, ex_2ndOrder_filter_fixpt.m
and a wrapper function that calls ex_2ndOrder_filter_fixpt
These files are generated in the codegen\ex_2ndOrder_filter\fixpt
in your local working folder.
function y = ex_2ndOrder_filter_fixpt(x) %#codegen fm = get_fimath(); persistent z if isempty(z) z = fi(zeros(2,1),1,16,15,fm); end % [b,a] = butter(2, 0.25) b = fi([0.0976310729378175,0.195262145875635,0.0976310729378175],... 0,16,18,fm); a = fi([1,-0.942809041582063,0.3333333333333333],1,16,14,fm); y = fi(zeros(size(x)),1,16,14,fm); for i=1:length(x) y(i) = b(1)*x(i) + z(1); z(1) = fi_signed(b(2)*x(i) + z(2)) - a(2) * y(i); z(2) = fi_signed(b(3)*x(i)) - a(3) * y(i); end end function y = fi_signed(a) coder.inline('always'); if isfi(a) && ~(issigned(a)) nt = numerictype(a); new_nt = numerictype(1,nt.WordLength + 1,... nt.FractionLength); y = fi(a,new_nt,fimath(a)); else y = a; end end function fm = get_fimath() fm = fimath('RoundingMethod','Floor',... 'OverflowAction','Wrap',... 'ProductMode','FullPrecision',... 'MaxProductWordLength',128,... 'SumMode','FullPrecision',... 'MaxSumWordLength',128); end
View Generated Fixed-Point C Code
To view the code generation report for the C code generation, click the View Report link that follows the type proposal report.
The code generation report opens and displays the generated
code for ex_2ndOrder_filter_fixpt.c