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Class: matlab.compiler.mlspark.RDD
Namespace: matlab.compiler.mlspark

Get the number of default reduce partitions in an RDD


numPartitions = getDefaultReducePartitions(obj)


numPartitions = getDefaultReducePartitions(obj) gets the number of default reduce partitions in obj.

Input Arguments

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An input RDD, specified as an RDD object

Output Arguments

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The number of default reduce partitions in the input RDD, returned as a scalar value.


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Get the number of default reduce partitions in an RDD.

%% Connect to Spark
sparkProp = containers.Map({'spark.executor.cores'}, {'1'});
conf = matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkConf('AppName','myApp', ...
sc = matlab.compiler.mlspark.SparkContext(conf);

%% getDefaultReducePartitions
x = sc.parallelize({1,2,3});
y ={x,1}));
z1 = y.reduceByKey(@(a,b)(a+b));
z2 = y.reduceByKey(@(a,b)(a+b), 3);

z1.getDefaultReducePartitions() % ans is 1
z2.getDefaultReducePartitions() % ans is 3, as the 2nd argument to reduceByKey is the number of reduce partitions

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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