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Package MATLAB Functions

Package MATLAB® functions for use in applications coded in other languages

MATLAB Compiler SDK™ enables you to build deployable archives in a target language that include MATLAB functions. You can build these artifacts at the MATLAB command line using any of the family of functions, or specify additional compile time options using mcc. You can also package the artifact into an installer that installs the necessary files and MATLAB Runtime libraries onto the target machine. MATLAB Compiler SDK includes two deploytool apps and the command line function compiler.package.installer for this purpose.

To incorporate a deployable archive into an application in the target language, you can use MATLAB Compiler SDK generated sample files or create your own application. Distribute the application to end users along with MATLAB Runtime, which contains libraries necessary to run the code.


Library CompilerPackage MATLAB programs for deployment as shared libraries and components


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deploytoolOpen a list of application deployment apps
createDeploymentScriptCreate a deployment script from a MATLAB Compiler PRJ file (Since R2022b) COM component for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2021a) C shared library (Since R2021a) C++ shared library (Since R2021a) .NET assembly for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2021a) Java package for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2021a) Python package for deployment outside MATLAB (Since R2021a) an archive for deployment to MATLAB Production Server or Docker (Since R2020b) Microsoft Excel add-in for MATLAB Production Server (Since R2021b)
compiler.package.microserviceDockerImageCreate a microservice Docker image using files generated by MATLAB Compiler SDK (Since R2022a) build results object (Since R2020b)
mccCompile MATLAB functions for deployment
mbuildCompile and link source files against MATLAB generated shared libraries
compiler.package.installerCreate an installer for files generated by MATLAB Compiler (Since R2020a)
compiler.package.InstallerOptionsOptions for creating MATLAB Compiler package installers (Since R2020a)
isdeployedDetermine whether code is running in deployed or MATLAB mode
ismccTest if code is running during compilation process (using mcc)
ctfrootLocation of files related to deployed application
%#functionPragma to help MATLAB Compiler locate functions called through feval, eval, Handle Graphics callback, or objects loaded from MAT-files
%#excludeIgnore file or function dependencies during MATLAB Compiler dependency analysis (Since R2020a)
figToImStreamStream figure as byte array encoded in specified format
getmcruserdataRetrieve MATLAB array value associated with a given key
setmcruserdataAssociate MATLAB data value with a key
componentinfoQuery system registry about COM component created with MATLAB Compiler SDK




Deployment and Integration

Limitations and Restrictions

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