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Model Configuration Parameters for Qualcomm Hexagon Processors

Hardware Implementation Pane Overview

Default Hardware Implementation Pane

Configure hardware board to run Simulink® models.

  1. In the Simulink Editor, select Simulation > Model Configuration Parameters.

  2. In the Configuration Parameter dialog box, click Hardware Implementation.

  3. Set the Hardware board parameter to Qualcomm Hexagon Simulator.

  4. The parameter values under Hardware board settings are automatically populated to their default values.

    You can optionally adjust these parameters for your particular use case.

  5. To apply the changes, click Apply.

Qualcomm Hexagon Simulator

To configure the Qualcomm Hexagon Simulator hardware board, see Qualcomm Hexagon Simulator Configurations.


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Processor version

Lists the device processor version for the selected hardware board.


PlatformSelect the device platform for the selected hardware board.Hexagon Simulator
Enable HVXSelect to enable Hexagon Vector eXtension (HVX vector processor)off
ProfilerSelect the device profiler for the selected hardware board. Using this option you can generate the Hexagon profiler and gprof reports.None
Hexagon simulator configurationSelect the Hexagon simulator configuration for the selected hardware board. 
Hexagon simulator options

The default option is used when Hexagon simulator configurations is set to default.

Hexagon profiler configuration

Select the Hexagon profiler configuration for the selected hardware board. This parameter is enabled only when Profiler parameter is set to Hexagon Profiler or Hexagon Profiler and gprof.

Hexagon profiler options

This parameter is visible only when Profiler parameter is set to Hexagon Profiler or Hexagon Profiler and gprof.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Execution timeout

Specify the PIL execution timeout.


Build Options

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

Build action

Press Ctrl+B or click Build.


Disable parallel build

Select to compile the generated code in parallel order for faster build.



ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

DSP Clock (MHz)

CPU clock frequency of the microcontrollers on the target hardware.


Hexagon Android Board

To configure the Hexagon Android Board hardware board, see Qualcomm Hexagon Android Board Configurations.


ParameterDescriptionDefault Value

ADB interface

Lists the android debug bridge interface for the selected hardware board.

IP addressSpecify the IP address of the remotely connected hardware board.<empty>

Specify the port number of the remotely connected hardware board.

Get device informationGet device information provides information of Device id, Processor version, and available cores for the remotely connected hardware board. 
Device idProvides the connected device id information.<empty>
Processor versionLists the device processor version for the selected hardware board.V68
Processing unitSelect the digital signal processing unit for the selected hardware board.adsp
Enable HVXSelect to enable Hexagon Vector eXtension (HVX vector processor)off
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